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RE: Moving to hive

in #haejinthescammer7 years ago (edited)

Between this and all the plagiarism and abuse that goes on, it's only a matter of time before this system implodes if nothing is done. Seeing @haejin's posts I see little to no contribution to the platform other than charts and predictions.

Here's what I think about people making $30,000 from "predictions":

Beloved, believe not every spirit, 
but try the spirits whether they are of God:
because many false prophets are gone out into the world.
1 John 4:1 KJV

I just hope you keep a level head. I agree though, we are all standing by like little bitches and taking it while this guy rapes our rewards. My question is when is enough going to be enough? Until he has a $10 million dollar account? 50 million?

I hope everyone realizes that he's going to upvote himself when he gets to that point, assuming he doesn't cash out.

Why does a TA get 30k a week? If his predictions are so mega awesome, then he's already stupid rich. So is everyone watching him. Why more? I can haz some wealth too?

Can my $0.04 upvote be worth something or will that be stripped away by this TA also?

Because I can guarantee you -- when this guy bails with his millions, I will still be here powering up. What's better for the community? Giving one guy 30k a week or giving 30 really sweet minnows 1k a week? or maybe 300 minnows $100 a week?

Anyone who can read the white paper can see that the rewards pool is limited

Just because it seems unlimited doesnt mean that it isn't. Of course I know that people have argued the rewards pool should be raised. Okay, 9 billion coins a day so we dilute the hell out of everything. We can all have 16 trillion coins but when they're worth nothing don't stand around wondering why. Don't be like "Oh fuck, we should have listened to that crazy bernie guy, or that crazy grumpy cat. Oh man. We fucked up"

Well, greed is why decentralization can fail. People that want to do something to stop it is why decentralization can succeed.

So all you greedy guys out there, what side are you on? 'Cause if you say you're for decentralization, you clearly need to re-examine your logic when a self-governed system still has limits


The plagiarism kills me man, I try and call attention to that as much as I can.