Comedic Haiku or Something Else?

in #haiku9 years ago

I'm tired tonight, and I don't feel like making a cute little picture. I also want to make sure I don't reveal the Haiku in the first line because then there's no real reason to read this. I just want to post something and be creative as I'm about to fall asleep.

Here goes.

I Stepped in dog poop
Squishy on the foot it was!
Oh phew!! It was sand!!

I play on a sand volleyball 6 person co-ed team at a bar - but right past the court there's some grass that's about a few inch step up. Right before our first game, I stepped into what felt like dog poop in bridged between that step and the sand. Being barefoot, I exclaimed it felt gross - it had rained earlier that day, which probably caused the feeling.

Anyways, I am trying to post every day, and I love you all!! YEAH BUDDAYY! ROCK ON!!



lulz great haiku thank you for posting!

Haiku's are great lol