My involvement in: Mizu No Oto - Every Image Has Its Haiku - Edition #23 (English)

in #haikucontest6 years ago (edited)

Official cover of the @bananafish call. Design by @f3nix.

This call is in English as of this week Odd. For the English speaking population, here is the image of the week and the corresponding Haiku. I would like to point out that the vision of any poet, any artist, depends on the state of mind; in this particular, as a Venezuelan inhabitant, suffering all the vicissitudes that daily arise within these borders, I have observed this week an atmosphere of desolation and despair; hence my interpretation of the image proposed by @bananafish in the post:

Photo by @calluna.

Fatal destiny;
threatens the sun, extinction.
God keeps his promise.

❤️Spanish adaptation / Adaptación al Español.❤️

Destino incierto;
Dios cumple su promesa.
Se apaga el sol.


We who don't live in Venezuela, or other places of insecurity, sometimes feel removed. Perhaps we are, momentarily. But chaos and disorder have a way of visiting uninvited and unexpected. I wish for all of Venezuela comfort, security and peace.

Resteemed. Good luck.
Your poem is remarkable. I like especially that you did not translate literally. So much would have been lost. You captured the sense and the mood in translation.

Well done.

Thank you; a tear has flowed and runs down my cheek. His words echo my heart. Blessings and prosperity my dear friend @agmoore, a fraternal embrace.

Thank you!

All friends from Venezuela know that the Bananafish tribe supports them with the utmost solidarity, and the sincerest hope that the situation can return to normal, without clashes and without selling off their democracy

El sol se apaga, pero se volverá a prender... Qué alivio je je, porque es una luz bella.
Un fuerte abrazo @amigoponc

Gracias por su visita, me alegra le haya agradado mi haiku, espero leer su entrada. Cariño para usted.

Me encanta @amigoponc, es interesante su visión, me causa escalofrío pensar que Dios cumpla su promesa de castigar al hom,bre, esta vez con fuego en vez de agua. Cuando una estrella se apaga, siendo el sol una de ellas, calcinaría a la Tiera en pocos segundos...

Intentaré participar.

Gracias por tú visita, tú apoto y comentario. Espero leer su entrada. Bendiciones y prosperidad.

Bella creación e impregnada de la tristeza que nos rodea.
El sol se exhibirá nuevamente en la mañana.
Un abrazo

Gracias amiga, me alegra verte por aquí. La semana número 24 es en español... Te esperamos. Un abrazooote..

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