******The difference between panda and bear**********

in #happierpeople7 years ago


The giant panda or the Chinese bear is a huge animal of the Bear family, native to south-central and southwest China. It can be easily identified by dark circles around her eyes, ears and round body. She is also known for being a thick-brimmed bear that protects her from cold. Males are larger than females and weigh approximately 110 kilograms, while females weigh about 95 kg. It has a body length of about 1 m and 40 cm (2 to 3 feet long and may be up to 6 feet) and is protected from extinction. It is only 1,000, and although it is classified as carnivorous, about 99 percent of its meals Made up of bamboo. They also eat honey, eggs, fish, potatoes, oranges and bananas.
The giant panda is a species of protected species of extinction. A 2007 report shows that the giant panda reached 239, living in captivity within China and 27 outside the country. In the wild, there are about 1,590 individuals living in the wild. The DNA analysis route estimates that this figure can reach 2,000 to 3,000. Some reports also show that the number of giant panda in the wild is on the rise.


The bears are the group of warm blooded animals of Ursidae ( Ursidae ), the request of carnivores ( Carnivora ). The Monster Panda , whose characterization has long loaned to wrangle about today is viewed as a bear herbivore in this family 1 , 2 . There are just eight live bear species in a wide assortment of natural surroundings , both in the northern side of the equator and part of the southern half of the globe. Bears live on the landmasses of Europe , North America ,South America , and Asia .

Present day bears have an expansive, thick, enormous body, a long gag, a thick coat, five-ripped at, non-retractable paws and a short tail. The polar bear is primarily rapacious. The mammoth panda bolsters only on bamboo . The other six species are omnivorous , their differed eating routine comprises basically of plants and creatures. But in the midst of reproducing and training, bears are singular. By and large diurnal , they are likewise potentially dynamic during the evening or at sunset, particularly around human abiding ranges. They are once in a while called " nocto - diurnal" ". Supported by a created feeling of notice, the bear can, in spite of its rotundity, run rapidly, swim and climb certain dividers or trees. Cavernicole, he enthusiastically takes asylum in hollows, caves and sanctums. Most species spend the icy season resting ( wintering ).

Bears have been chased since ancient circumstances for their meat and hide. They have assumed a main part in culture (folklore, legends, and so on.) and expressions of the human experience . In the cutting edge time, bear populaces have been under weight, (for example, those of the Pyrenean raisers), human infringement on their normal living space, artificialisation and fracture of woodlands , and than the unlawful exchange, specifically the Asian bile marketbear. IUCN has grouped six bear species as defenseless or undermined with termination. The dark colored bear may vanish in some European nations. Poaching and universal exchange of the most jeopardized populaces are denied, however are as yet honed.

The bear has to a great extent checked human culture through customs and conventions from Europe to the Americas and Asia , and has offered ascend to a plentiful pop culture. Theophrastus , in his treatise Odors , says that the substance of the creature develops on the off chance that it is kept, notwithstanding when cooked, amid the season of their withdraw. He likewise says that amid hibernation there is no hint of sustenance in him, and that his paunch contains yet a little amount of fluid; so additionally in their heart for the blood, 3 and that whatever is left of the body does not contain it by any means. When they turn out, in the spring, they expend a specific herb named aron(in old Greek ἄρον 4 ).