23 things to Find Your Happy and Change Your Life

in #happiness8 years ago (edited)

Once we step into adulthood we become so consumed with life that we forget to live. The mortgage, the student loans; they all get in the way. Our dreams are put aside and what we hoped to accomplish is never to be finished. They say that when we grow old we regret not doing what we wanted to more than things we did that came out wrong. So do what makes you happy. 

 1. Forgive your parents for mistakes they may have made during your childhood. Nobody is perfect. Hopefully you learned from them.

2. Forgive someone for a past transgression. Let it go, if just for you. 

3. Eliminate toxic people from your life; Regardless of how hard it may be. You don’t need that negativity in your life. You will become toxic as well.

4. Take a vacation by yourself. Hopefully overseas, just you. Go where you want, see what you want. You will disconnect and recharge.

5. See your favorite band. Saw Pearl Jam in 1992, when my kids saw footage 20 plus years later, they could not believe their old man was in that crowd. Best concert ever! 

 6. Watch your favorite movie one more time. The Warriors, Breakfast Club and all the Jason Bourne movies-I can watch on mute, I know the complete dialogue.

7. Take a walk in wet grass, while barefoot.

8. Read every day. Make it a book if possible.

9. Quit that job you hate.

10. Try something new; A dish from a foreign country, a foreign language. Dance the Tango, Salsa. Expand your life. You will be better for it. 

 11. Make a fool of yourself, at least once, do it without regret.

12. Try to learn something new every day.

13. Learn a new skill. Woodworking, lo play an instrument, something completely useless. 

 14. Leave your smartphone at home. After the frightful first few minutes you will find freedom.

15. Declutter your home, even if you can only one room you will declutter your life.

16. Trace your roots as far back as you can.

17. Go zip-lining. No matter how afraid you may be. I thought I was going to die, but after five seconds....could not get enough.

18. Explore a cave. Makes no difference if it is Eisriesenwelt Ice Caves in Werfen, Austria or Rio Secreto in Mexico. 

 19. Travel to as many countries as possible. Get away from the tourist traps and see the real people.

20. Pursue your passion if only for a short time.

21. Reconnect with a long-lost friend, just because.

22. Watch the sunrise it is a gift from Mother Nature. We get one every day. Catch one as often as possible. 

 23. Give yourself that expensive gift; it is okay to be selfish once in a while. Own something that makes happy.

You may not realize this, but these add joy, and may just clean your soul some.  


Great ideas! Many nice things to try.