Stop Thinking and Procrastinating and Just Start.

in #happiness6 years ago (edited)

Stop Thinking and Procrastinating and Just Start.

In order to stop procrastinating you just simply need to start. The reason why so many people are not able to get the work done that they need to do is due to procrastination, the process of not being able to stop overthinking and the excuses that you put in place in order to stop yourself putting in the work that you know you need to put in.

Now, the way you eliminate procrastination is to just begin a small amount of work and you will notice that you suddenly have the energy and have the work ethic to continue it. The reason this is is that it's harder to quit something that you've already started than to start something since you build resistance to actually starting it because you don't want to put in effort and work that takes to get that job finished. So to prevent this you just need to start the work that you need to do to automatically put your brain into gear to finish it.

A very key example of this is when you're writing a blog post or something similar, if you're procrastinating on writing it you will never get it done. However, next time you write a blog post that you're resisting to do I want you to try something. I want you to just begin the first sentence or two sentences of it and then you will feel that you want to finish it and this will motivate you to get the job done.

This is one quick method that you can use to eliminate procrastination and progress further in your life this goes to everything if you can just start and tell yourself that you're just going to do a small about you will automatically notice that you want to finish it.


Yes yes and yes! This is so true and very wise. I'm a terrible procrastinator- but rather than enjoying procrastinating, it makes me really uncomfortable and tetchy. But when I make a start (and it can be a really small start) I'm off! I enjoy doing rather than procrastinating and my day automatically becomes infinitely better! Great post... and a good telling off... I need to get my Friday work going... ;)

Glad I wrote this post then I hope it helps out alot! Exactly haha, get to writing them posts!

It helped loads- very productive day at work- thank you!

great I love to hear that ;)

When it comes to writing about stuff that needs a lot of research and double-checking, I procrastinate a lot. Even if I enjoy writing it, collecting the data itself is sometimes a pain in the ass lol.

But it's a whole another story when I'm writing about my life. I get super energized because of the fact that someone is going to read and possibly relate to what I share with them.

Nice post man :)

Same here, I think alot of people do, but you just have to learn how to break the habit. Yes maybe you are passionate about your own life haha!

As they say .... starting is half the job finished :)

Exactly, I havent heard of that one haha!