What has been given to you
There's nothing quite like having opposable thumbs. Not everybody has them, and like many things you were born with or forgot how you learnt, you might take them for granted. These babies really bring it all together, from typing to playing piano and guitar, climbing mountains and riding motorcycles.
Many of you remember the fable of the ten silver talents. The anxious and over cautious servant buried his coin, and was later berated by his master. The bold and risk inclined servant lent his coins to make a return, and was praised by his master.
Sometimes we are taught that to be respectful of something, we should put it on a pedestal, that we should never question our teachers. The one who has the most respect for her teacher will ask the most difficult questions.
Let us be grateful for the things that came to us easily. We wake every day by chance, by luck, or Grace of God, escaping death, meteorites, hurricanes, earthquakes, malicious persons, maladies and other calamities, with such ease that we assume it will always be this way. One day it won't.
How will you show respect to what has been given to you, today?
About me

My name is Kurt Robinson. I grew up in Australia, and for now, the world is my home. I write interesting things about voluntaryism, futurism, science fiction, travelling the world, and psychedelics. Remember to press follow so you can stay up to date with all the cool stuff I post, and follow our podcast where we talk about crazy ideas for open-minded people, here: @paradise-paradox theparadiseparadox.com, like The Paradise Paradox on Facebook here, and subscribe to The Paradise Paradox on YouTube, and on iTunes.
Soon I'll be launching a new project focused on cryptocurrency and personal finance. Follow Cryptonomics on Steemit here @cryptonomics1, and check out the website Cryptonomics - principles of cryptocurrency and investing.
@churdtzu I do agree with your thoughts about life.Everything what happens in our life has a purpose even a bad thing is not useless or really bad because it always teaches us a lesson.
Not only that,if we remain always satisfied with the things we have it makes us more confident of ourselves and brings happiness.
I'm following you, please follow me too, thank you!
