5 Secret Friday - Crazy Curious Info! - Don't Miss It!

5 Coolest Things I Found!

All week I binge on books, pop podcasts, and scour Steemit for epic info.

A list of my most useful finds:

  1. A Fantastic Garden Ferilizer - (Thanks @edkarnie for the tip)
  2. A Learning Tool
  3. A Healthy Fitness Hack
  4. My Favorite Author Of All Time
  5. The Adventure Of A lifetime

Here's How To Comment:

Give Your Idea For Next Week?
I'll feature you if you have a some curious info.

Thanks again to @edkarnie for his fertilizer tip.

Click The Button! Lets Be Friends!

Cheers My Steem Friends!
Much Love, Happy Money Man.


The ONLY good fertilizers in my mind are FREE fertilizers. Otherwise its not at all sustainable.
The key to the future of food is establishing sustainable food production systems.
Never heard of that author haven't ever read anything on trading either....may be about time.

Blessings to ya brother. May you have more happiness and money than ever!

You may really love the other book "Anti Fragile" by Nassim Taleb.
He looks at nature and how resilient it is and how many times nature actually thrives and gains from disorder. Imagine some seeds need a wildfire before they will proliferate.
He calls this anti fragile.
He then compares this to systems built by humans. An example is cities. Inherently fragile. One piece falling apart brings down the whole system. All the parts are overly dependent on each other.

The book looks at building anti fragile systems. Systems that feed themselves and gain from disorder.

This plays into your comment. YES, absolutely fertilizers I produce are the only sustainable fertilizers. Thanks for bumping me onto track.
I'll probably mention this point in a post this week.

Cheers. Thanks, as always for a wonderful thought.

That book does sound VERy good though it also sounds like I may have written it ;-)>

I don't really read much anymore as I have found I can figure out things with my abilities of observation and deduction quite quickly and often even more adequately than the "experts". though there are of course some compilations of information out there that I do get quite a lot out of.

Thanks for appreciating my contributions and always being open, responsible and adaptive! Those are very fine qualities indeed!

Will check in for your new posts!


Intuition is one of humans most under utilized tools.
It's like we forgot we have it. We no longer trust it?

I appreciate that you obviously put time into observation of the world and yourself. It deserves the highest order of respect in a time where it's been forgotten.

Cheers my friend.

...adaptation is our greatest power. If we aren't open to adapt we're shunning the natural way of things. Cheer again.

Thanks for recognizing and honoring~

Thanks for the recognition. Loved all 5 of your recommendations this week especially the fitness hack since i hate to exercise......

And thank you for a creative idea.

The fitness hack actually works. I did MED lifting for a little bit and it worked awesome. Kind of shocking actually.
I got it from the book 4-Hour Body by Tim Ferris.

Have a nice weekend @edkarnie.

These are not secret anymore!🤣
And speaking of authors..
I dare to make a topic recommendation for the next wee, no strings attached!

Top 5/3 books that "you liked most" or "everyone should read" or "helped me to"...

Enjoy Nature, be love!

Awesome. Thanks so much for your idea. I love books, so I would love to give a few of my favorites. I'll use this idea.
I'll probably pick a few books; each from a different category.

Great idea on books. I'll be using it for my 5 Secret Friday post tomorrow.
I'll be sure to mention you. Thanks so much for your idea.

What are your top 1-3 books... I'd love to mention them also if you're able to respond this evening.
If not, no worries, I'll be sure to thank you either way.

Have a great evening.

To be honest to you, I was not a reader with an impressive book collection or great interest about literature..? But maybe everithing has the right time to show up in our lives.. I was honest when I said that when Nature Art 'happened', my life changed, because it's strongly connnected with discovering the first author I started to love... and then were more to come! I can’t say it's my favorite… they all are…but it was like a good help when your house was full of random, useless, harmful stuff and you barely live among them, and he knocks at your door, explains that you don't really need that things and helps you clean out till the last corner of your home... making it a better place to live 😊
That's why I will not tell you some titles I loved… too many… to similar... But I will tell you the author inspired me the most and showed me the way to finding myself....
This is the way I presented him in one of my first posts: 'Maybe right after I first read this book, my "everything" opened for me as an oportunity because I felt like there is nothing around us that doesen't contain and represents pure God's Love and there's nothing to be afraid of.'... It is about Dr. Wayne W. Dyer ☺

He wrote in one of his bocks that he was amused when realising that his name is his visit card... WAYne DYER... the artist who reshapes ways... lives. His approach is very friendly and easy to understand, using many examples from his life and the people around him. It's not selling motivation as a bestseller product… he is just.. there for you! And he takes you behind the mountain to show you there's more than a wall in front of our eyes..

Thank you, @happymoneyman!

Beautiful note @nature.art. We don't have to love books to be curious. We all explore life in our own ways.

One of the big shifts in my life was also getting rid of a lot of my possessions. As I got rid of clutter it freed up my soul to be more creative and happy.

It's so true, there is nothing to be afraid of. We're all on a crazy journey to see around that mountain. We all take different paths. Sometimes it's really hard. Sometimes it's nice. The point is, we're all going the same place. It's up to us how we explore and what paths we take.

Thanks for all your great thoughts. Have a wonderful day my friend.

The best part of my Friday :)

How nice. Thank you. This comment has been the best part of my Friday so far also.
Cheers. Have a great weekend @journeyoflife.

Thanks for these recommendations. Creative Live is particularly useful - just been watching some interesting photography classes.

Oh great. I should check the photo stuff out. I'm trying to learn more about video and cameras. Cheers.

@happymoneyman - Oh my goodness, I'm awaiting to watch your 5 secret Friday video Sir. Love it & I love all 5 topics Sir <3 :*

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

It is a great motivation to know that you look forward to 5 Secret Friday.
Cheers my friend. Have a great weekend.

your spirit is great :D :)

Cheers. Thanks for such a nice compliment. It helps keep me inspired.

Your name is great!

I didn't see this post until now. Damn my feed is f*up.

I really appreciate you watching and even noticing when you miss one.

My favorite vids to make are the Friday videos. Cheers

i wil keep that in my agenda :P

This is what all i been waiting for the 5 Secret Friday yay finally saw it pretty cool stuff every time something new and unique thanks a lot for sharing

Aww, thank you. It means a lot that you enjoy the Friday post. It's my favorite to make also. Cheers. I hope you had a nice weekend.

Hola vaya que interesante es marcar los logros una vida sin objetivos es muy vacía.

Thank you. I feel like gardening and working with the earth can give a lot of meaning to our lives.
Have a nice day.