OK, let's keep going and show a curve. Wanna spam another 50 votes around? I can make a graph and show people what it looks like as your power depletes. Or do you want me to make my own smurf and do it?
Well, this makes math pretty simple to understand right now. at ~$2/steem a 100% upvote at 1000SP= $1USD in post rewards.
Presumably that should scale linearly.
says I'm at 34%, but I think it's behind. I'm at 4.89 at a full vote and 14.4k SP.
That's roughly a third of 15k, whch is 5k which at full vote is roughly $5. That's a pretty solid estimate for right meow.
This has been a good thought experiment. thank you for your participation.
Between $0.95 and $0.99
OK, let's keep going and show a curve. Wanna spam another 50 votes around? I can make a graph and show people what it looks like as your power depletes. Or do you want me to make my own smurf and do it?
@marcel.dubrovnik made another 50 upvotes at full power. His voting power is now at 24.02% and his last upvote was worth $0.25.
That would be after 72 upvotes, starting at voting power of 100%, with initial post value around $1.00.
Well, this makes math pretty simple to understand right now. at ~$2/steem a 100% upvote at 1000SP= $1USD in post rewards.
Presumably that should scale linearly.
says I'm at 34%, but I think it's behind. I'm at 4.89 at a full vote and 14.4k SP.
That's roughly a third of 15k, whch is 5k which at full vote is roughly $5. That's a pretty solid estimate for right meow.
This has been a good thought experiment. thank you for your participation.
You are welcome.
Now, @marcel.dubrovnik will curse me for 4 days until his voting power returns to around 100%.