Great and Terrible News: Hardfork Inc

in #hardfork5 years ago


Dear Diary,

It is day 14 of the #steemhostiletakeover, and this will be my final entry. The doublespeak and circular discussions have yielded no compromise. @blocktrades is forking the chain and deleting the ninjamine (SINMS).

The time for talk is over.

Actions speak louder that words, and Jsun's actions have been deafening. His reputation (and the reputations of 3 exchanges) have been forever tarnished. He will now have to answer to his betters, and the exchanges will have to answer to their clients.

It appears the new sister fork will be called Hive. I rather liked Hydra, but it's really up to @blocktrades what they want to name it.

In some respects, this was the best way to play it. Saving the main chain by pushing a contentious hardfork that would delete the ninjamine has very bad optics from the outside looking in. By forking to a sister chain we show that the value comes from the community and we can't be bought, no matter what we call ourselves. It looks better to the world, and it is essentially the same result.

Steem was a bad name anyway. Can't tell you how many times people thought I meant Steam the game company.

The ultimate goal here is to get everyone onto the new chain Hive, and to dump Steem to zero. This should not be difficult, as Justin Sun is clearly a vulture capitalist and has absolutely no intention of keeping the Steem blockchain afloat. There are going to be millions dumped on the market after the fork. Who's going to buy those coins? I can't imagine there will be much demand. Even the users that support Sun want a higher token valuation and aren't looking to invest further.

I'm halfway temped to buy more coins now so they get copied to Hive and I can dump them on Steem the second they're airdropped. Normally a fork announcement like this would have already spiked the price of Steem in anticipation of the airdrop. However, because of the COVID-19 scare and impending economic collapse, this is not the case.

Even more relevant: forks like this usually have 2 sides that will continue on. I am 99% certain the Steem blockchain will be dead in the water quite fast. The only people who are going to stick around are the ones who think Jsun is going to bring value into the ecosystem despite everything that's happening right now. The guy doesn't even have a single C++ dev. Once the value of Steem is under a penny, everyone who sided with Sun will realize their folly and capitulate like everyone else. How much do you want to bet that downvotes will not be removed from Steem before it dies? How long before Steemit Inc closes up shop and shuts down the API node? Things are going to move quite quickly.


The exchanges.

Wow, I can't even imagine the shit they are going to be swimming in as Steem drops to zero and Binance still has over 20M coins powered up. I've spoken to this before, but everyone who has their Steem locked on Binance, Huobi, and Poloniex has a legitimate reason to sue their exchange. I fully expect class action lawsuits to arise over this. The best part about this is that the Steem community doesn't even have to waste any effort to make these things happen. Simply forking away to a new chain will cause it to happen for free. There are going to be a lot of angry trading-bot owners.

@blocktrades will have to freeze the exchange accounts until they agree to airdrop the coins onto the rightful stakeholders. This should be a pretty easy and painless process that might get them out of said lawsuits. Also, it gives Hive easy access to get listed on all the chains that Steem was already listed on.

My question is: if Steem dies quickly do we want the name back or will we just stick with the new name? I guess legally Sun owns a lot of that stuff and wouldn't let us have it back as one final F.U. to our community. So be it.

What about other stake that supported the coup?

Lucky for us, it doesn't look like Sun is trying to hide the stake he is buying up to attack us further. Millions of coins are being transferred to the same accounts. Had this not been the case @blocktrades may of had to blanket ban anyone who supported the sockpuppets. At the same time, they only claim they are not airdropping the ninjamined stake... so perhaps the stake Sun has bought legitimately will be honored on the new chain? Not sure. Other than that, the damages of removing account stake from the new chain will probably be mitigated so the optics look a lot better from the outside looking in.

The great unknown.

This an exciting and terrifying time. If nothing else, I look forward to watching Sun squirm as his investment circles the toilet. I hope he's stocked up on toilet paper like everyone else. Best case scenario: he bricks the chain trying to give himself quick powerdowns once he takes the super-majority back because everyone else is powering down and transitioning to the new chain.

This may be my last journal entry in the context of the hostile takeover, but surely this is far from over.

In fact, it may have just begun.

These two weeks may have felt like an eternity, but they were still only two weeks.


I'd like to see eveything but SINMS honoured on Hive.
It's a much better look.

If it were up to me I would probably go all scorched earth on everyone who supported Sun. Good thing it's not up to me, as you are quite correct, the optics of only burning SINMS is likely a much smarter move going forward.

Think about it this way: we could burn 70M coins and piss way less people off... or we can burn like 80M coins and piss a lot of people off. The risk vs reward does not favor burning more than the SINMS.

There are going to be millions dumped on the market after the fork.

I expect users who are ideologically aligned with the community and against Sun will dump the hardest. However, these users are likely fully vested in an attempt to overpower the sock-puppet witness votes.

So do you suggest powering down? When do you expect the fork happen?

As people begin powering down, the sock-puppets may obtain a supermajority. Not sure if Sun has any protocol changes in mind. Ironically, if he switches to a faster power down that would help Steemians dump harder in their migration to Hive.

I am powering down. @r0nd0n is as well. Not sure about others.

I hear @blocktrades will announce in advance what block they are going to use for the snapshot.

I hear @blocktrades will announce in advance what block they are going to use for the snapshot.

Do you think that block has already passed or that there's an opportunity to accumulate both tokens at the moment?

To avoid data loss, they will have to announce a future block I assume because otherwise this comment for example would dissappear.

Yes, a future block to avoid many problems.

Do you think we should power down (now?) because the SP dont get copied?
I only have SP this is why i ask.

Everything will get copied.
The reason to powerdown is to get liquid coins and dump your coins on Sun's chain (Steem).

Thanks for the info!

I added more Versions of the Hive Logo and you can now vote which one you like. I would be happy if you could resteem so we can get a better understanding of what the community wants. Thank you very much!

I'm not bothering to powerdown. I don't think we'll have to wait 13 weeks for these things to fully eventuate, and I doubt @blocktrades hasn't considered how this will sequentially happen.

Either the airdrop will suffice to fund our move, or Hive will fail spectacularly. I'm not opening a bank account and Bittrex account just to recover the fragments of value Steem will represent.

I have full confidence in @blocktrades economic competence to make the airdrop nominal to enabling Hive to proceed to function with as little disruption as is conceivable, while Sun's Steem will simply flow into the drain without significant circling first. If I'm wrong I never invested funds in Steem necessary to my continued livelihood, as is ubiquitously recommended by competent financial advisors. C'est la guerre.

Posted on wrong thread. Moved comment to Original below:

Are Steem / Hive transactions susceptible to replay (or do transactions encode some chain-specific information)?

If so, I'm assuming replay protection will be added to the fork? I could imagine some situations where users would want to broadcast to both chains (i.e. cross-posting), but wouldn't want to see accidental sending of both tokens.

No idea. I assume this will be a priority.

Same here. Everyone though I was talking about Steam, the gaming company.

Crazy shit man! I’m trying to determine if I want to grab some more Steem before the drop too. Hesitant though, I’ve put a lot of money in here already, at least in my opinion. Hopefully the apps will adjust quickly and we can get back up and running smoothly. Feels like we are old west pioneers again with this!

Don't buy more Steem until @blocktrades announces which block they are going to snapshot... although you might miss out on cheap steem if you do that... I doubt it...

Honestly it's super risky and some people are saying the Sun has full control of the super majority and he's just biding his time to strike. It might be a fool's errand.

i wonder when they say all ninja mined, are they talking about ALL ninja mined or just STINC ninja mined.

Which part of SINMS did you not understand...?
lol... so many confusing acronyms

I read that but it was a sarcastic comment. Lot of other stake that votes for witnesses is also ninja mined. While we are cleaning ninja mined stake, all of that should be cleaned.

The ninja-mine refers to Steemit Inc only and how they scooped 80% right off the bat for themselves. Other people who mined did not "ninjamine"... the mining process was fair for everyone else... arguably.

i believe most of freedom stake is also ninja mined. Don't know all the history though, probably won't even matter.

For the timing of this fork, now is not soon enough. 😅

It may be illogical, but even now I can’t bring myself to pull the trigger and powerdown. D’oh!

I assume that SteemPeak will rebrand?

I assume that SteemPeak will rebrand?

Gah, I didn't even think about that. So many dapps have the name Steem in them... silly devs and their zero branding creativity.

Worse, we have steemitmamas.....

And such pretty pink logos too...

Posted via Steemleo

ahaha. We’re gonna give the BeyHive a home.

I read this with great sadness but hope. I hope this resolution comes quickly. I wonder what happens next logistically? Snapshot when? Power down when? Air drop when?

I'm not sad about it at all. We change names and cut off the Steemit Inc tumor. It's going to be exactly the same chain imo... except better.

Hi @edicted
I have a unrelated question. Since you use the MakerDao; I have a question for you:
The MakerDao prints Dai to give to loan takers, which they in turn sell on the exchange for dollars, which creates downward pressure on the price of Dai. Why doesn’t the MakerDao go into the Msrket to buy Dai, thus adding upward pressure on the price instead of downward pressure by printing Dai a traditionally inflationary practice. ??

Users are supposed to buy Dai and use it as a stable coin.

When Dai is under $1 it is expected that CDP holders will buy to pay back their loans at a cheaper price.

The Steem-world waits in anticipation.

Thanks for sharing. Should I begin powerdown? Wait until Hive is Live (now there's a good tag #hiveislive :-) ) or is there not even a point in powering down if it's gonna crash to zero?

Edit: I now see your answer to my Q on another comment below. I've assumed this is a done deal and definitely happening, so - Powerdown started.

Now removing my delegations so i can power those down too. Apologies to @curangel, @innerblocks, @naturalmedicine, @ocdb, @steembasicincome, @steemflagrewards, @tribesteemup. Hope to see you all on Hive when #HiveIsLive and will likely delegate again.


Nicely summarised.

I actually say 'have you heard of Steem, not Steam the gaming network' anytime I introduce the topic to someone, and I've never liked the name either.

Hive sort of sounds more like what we're about!

In my head this is going to be great, but we'll possibly all be a lot poorer!

In my head this is going to be great, but we'll possibly all be a lot poorer!

I know what you mean. It's like singing karaoke drunk off your ass thinking you're doing a great job. We stand to lose and gain a lot from this transition.