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RE: Hurricane Harvey Destroyed My Parents Home,Vehicles And Belongings - Call For Help

in #harvey8 years ago

After The Destruction From Harvey If Another One Hits We Will Have To Pack It Up And Move Somewhere Else. Praying for you and your family. I'm about to get back on my roof and add a couple more tarps. I went through the Nashville flood a few years back and I know how hard it is. We dodged a bullet here with the flooding. I'm hoping FEMA will actually help people hit by Hurricane Harvey. HEB has done a ton for our area with food and things. Many prayers your way!


I hear that. For everyone that does stay and rebuild I bet insurance is going to go way up. Many people, especially inland probably didn't have flood insurance and are going to be hurting bad.

HEB is a class act! They are bending over backwards helping the community. I know in Friendswood, where my parents live, restaurants are feeding people for free, trailers are being driven around with just necessities and being handed out - all of that is community and not government.