Your Body is Rx

in #healing6 years ago (edited)

A week ago, I had my first experience with food poisoning. It knocked me off my feet and literally cleaned me out! I tried to eat two days after the cleaning out and that was a bad move. My body was not ready to eat and thus rejected that food as well. That cleaning out made me have an awe-inspiring revelation of how awesome the body is. Our bodies, if we let it, are capable of healing itself. Most times at the expense of causing us discomfort and pain but nonetheless it remains wonderfully a self-healer. Just like we witness the healing of an external sore or cut, our bodies heal and repair on the inside as well. It does it’s most powerful work on an empty stomach, pun intended.

But if the body can heal itself why the advent of so many prescription drugs?

I’ve done a little research and found that fasting, while many attribute it to a religious act, is actually the best medicine. The body will detox itself after 3 days of fasting which rids it of toxins etc. However, between day 5 and 6 the body “begins” a healing process. Since it is not bogged down with processing enormous amounts of processed foods and tough meats the body can focus its energy and resources on healing.

So it looks like your body is its own prescription drug (Rx)??


hahaha I also happened to me and believe me was not anything good😯

I actually look forward to it happening to me , but it only does once or twice a year. I might suffer one night, but I feel the benefits for days afterwards.

Well done, a good post - and welcome to Steemit. I have a feeling you are going to make lots of friends here.
