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RE: Distilled water and mineral loss. Long term effects on the body. Best solutions.

in #health8 years ago

Tomorrow will make eleven months ago that I was attacked by a pit bull (Please let us NOT get into dog discussion here; okay?). Even though my index finger has mostly healed, the internal scarring takes continual self-therapy. The nasty wound above my right ankle ended up with complications.

I went to a holistic doctor. There is not a remote comparison with monopolistic "medicine." He had me use Panasilver; citing that colloidal silver was too big of particles. Do your research on Panasilver. All I can say is that it works. Now, he recommended herbs and enzymes also. So, the Panasilver was part of an overall program that he recommended for me.


Yes i'm not surprised he recommended Silver. Never heard of Panasilver but I will check it out. Yes a lot of Silver can have huge particles in it and can do more harm than good if not made correctly. I chose to buy a professional Silver Lungs system and I even nebulize it for my lungs and sinuses. I don't get colds or flu anymore. I also use it on cuts or any other open wounds. My dogs also have it too! Thanks for your input! :)