Update on a case: Progressive Muscular Weakness + Cerebellum Atrophy

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Screenshot 2018-02-15 at 12.34.43.png

Two months ago I discussed a case in my ‘day in the life of a homeopath’ series.

A tragic case: Female, 2 years old. Developing normally until 14 months (shortly after the MMR vaccine), after this she started suffering progressive muscular weakness. This started in her feet and travelled upwards. When I saw her, she was completely floppy. Unable to hold her head up, she collapsed on the floor, unable to feed or swallow (fed by a tube), very bad constipation (no muscular power to expel stool). BAD prognosis from the medics.

First prescription: Conium 6c every morning and evening + Helleborus 30c twice a week for 4 weeks.

I was pleased with this prescription, they matched the symptoms well.

Result: Absolutely nothing. In fact her condition has continued to deteriorate.

Analysis: When the well-indicated fails to act, there’s usually a blockage...or a maintaining cause. I believe this condition was the result of vaccination, let’s see if this is the blockage.

Prescription: Vacc detox 30c + Causticum 30c nightly for 4 weeks

I really hope we see improvement (a miracle!) in this case. I can’t imagine how the parents must be feeling and mainstream medicine can offer nothing that could help (except grim predictions that their daughter will not live for very long).

Watch this space.


Oh my goodness! This is heartbreaking, I can only imagine what the parents are going through :( We were unsure if our son developed Tourette's after his baby vaccinations. He had convulsions not long after that were put down to febrile fits, however his temp was normal at the time and he was completely aware during the episodes. he has been cleared of epilepsy too. It is tourettes, I have no doubt, but why? Was it the vaccine? who knows! He also has Autism, ADHD, OCD and many other things, but he is now 13 and functions in a mainstream school, even though he does have his issues, we work hard to empower him. I hope this poor baby recovers and my heart goes out to the parents

I pray she gets well with this new prescription.

Being positive is good. We should always be thankful for the health we have. It is a giftno one should take for granted. Can imagine how being fed using a pipe and not getting to feel that taste of inside your mouth feels. I also hope and wish the prescription works on her soon so that she gets to live that normal life. She is too young. The world still needs her.

Woman should bless God Quickly recover. Thanks for your post

Hope she gets better.

All the best, Alan! Hope she starts her recovery soon.

I'm sorry .
With MMR
It could be a multitude of things.
Do you know if your child has any genetic mutations ? Like MTHFR Gene mutation?

It's my patient rather than my child. No genetic tests have been carried out...the NHS in the UK is in the dark ages with regards to genetic tests.

The majority of my vaccine damage cases that HAVE had genetic testing done are either MTFHR hetero or homo-zygous...it seems correlated.

A few examples here

HPV Adverse Reactions

Babies screaming for long periods
You should always be on guard that a migraine may be a warning sign of a CBS Gene mutation, especially CBS 699t. When sulfur is not properly metabolized, EXCRUCIATING HEAD PRESSURE may result when sulfites enter the brain and produce acute pain.

Having genetic mutations should be taken into consideration when vaccinating because people that have these genetic mutations are more susceptible to illness

MTHFR gene mutation
Transsulfuration (such as CBS 699t),
Glutathione production and utilization (such as GSTM1), and
Pathogen Load (such as HLA-DR15).
C282Y gene

When gene mutations are present, low cycle output may result in a cascade of debilitating or life threatening events.


This is a very sad story. I pray that the girl will finally recover. By the way I didn't know that Helleborus (I guess the wild one) is a homeopathic remedy. A couple of weeks ago I found it in the wood. It is an amazing plant!