Intermittent Fasting (Effective Way of Losing Weight)
Are you tired of your weight? Are you sick of dieting that doesn't really show much results? Try Intermittent Fasting! Many celebrities have tried doing this weight loss program including Christian Bale, Tom Hardy, Ben Affleck, Beyonce and Miranda Kerr. So what exactly is Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent Fasting is an eating pattern where you set a particular time on when to eat. It encourages you to skip a meal. Just to clarify things, INTERMITTENT FASTING is not a diet. It does not prohibit you from eating any sorts of food. You are simply controlling the time you do eat.
The eating pattern for intermittent fasting is separated into 2 parts - Fasting and Feasting. In fasting, it literally means you have to fast or not eat any food for 12-16 hours a day. Your body needs energy, energy comes from food but you can't do that in fasting. So, what your body does is it uses or burns the stored energy (fats) in your body for energy.

On the other hand, Feasting would mean you get to eat what you want to eat for the remaining time of the day.


(1) Weight Loss
When our body consumes food it produces insulin. That insulin causes the body to burn fats for energy. Intermittent Fasting actually makes our body calorie restricting. However, there have been misconception that when fasting state is over it leads to binge eating which is not true. As a matter of fact:
By removing the amount of meals you eat throughout the day you tend to eat 28% less calories.
(2) Promotes Muscle Growth
Intermittent Fasting promotes muscle growth by losing the amount of fat in our body to grow more muscles.
(3) Extend Your Lifespan
A study conducted by Bronwen Martin, suggests that when using reducing the amount of calorie intake of a mouse for 30%, it increases its lifespan by 30%. This study have been conducted to hundreds of other organisms that show the same results. Apparently, humans have not been used as a subject but many scientists believes that humans still have the same results.
"It's very likely that this same phenomenon applies to all humans."
When doing the intermittent Fasting, you need to follow these two steps:
Step 1: Decide when your feeding periods will be. For example:

Step 2: You are allowed to drink water/tea/coffee
Although you are allowed to drink all of this, you should keep in mind that sugar and milk is prohibited.

Hi there this is actually a good to know information, I've heard a lot of people trying this method already. I and my partner used to this method way back 2014 and it helps a lot. We would always set a specific time where we can eat those food that we love and crave for, we also lessen the intake of sweets as much as possible yet it's a little hard. hahaha
Indeed, you can't say no to sweets. HAHAHA :D I'm actually planning to do this weight loss program :) I'm glad it works on you @purepinay