Eating litchi in an empty stomach is so dangerous!

in #health6 years ago


The issue brought an all-India news gathering to the front. The claim was terrible.

The claim was terrible.

At least 1,000 children died in mysterious illness in 1994 in 2014. Since then, Indian and US researchers started jointly investigating this.
Their sensational demand was that most of the children died due to litchi eating.
India's National Disease Control Organization and the Center for Disease Control of the United States have studied the case with 390 children admitted to the hospital. Of which 122 children died due to normal diseases.
But the death of 204 children is due to the reduction in blood sugar levels. It is known that everyone who had seen this disease had eaten lectures on empty stomach.1495637497.jpg
And this is the main cause of the disease, scientists say.

In June-July, there is abundant lipure in Muzaffarpur in the Indian state of Bihar.
As a result, most of the children eat lectures in an empty stomach. Many people lie down eating litchi instead of dinner.
That is why the incidence of strange disease is the highest in this place. However, there is no need to fear the litchi now, researchers said. Because there is no problem playing litchi on the stomach belly.