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RE: You Can't Be A Vegetarian

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Every religion and person have their own prespect and opinion. My whole family is pure vegetarian and not even eggg and there is nothing wrong in it. I dont care is it related to food cycle or not. They just follow thing which write in our holly book as its written that we have not rights to kill or eat any animals and if you are Christian then you also follow bible and do things are written in it. There are also others people do things which they feel right to them. Cow is holly animal of us so we cant eat meat of cow and its our choice. Every country every religious have their own choice of thing and they think like it. Here if girl wear bikini then people think its shamless girl but for her its comon but not here some people think she prostitution but in actually she may good we cant say anything about it. Like this diffrent people think diffrent for their openion about vegetarian and if people are vegetarian then nothing wrong in it. Vegetarian deffinations also diffrent at different place.


Still, nobody is a true vegetarian.

At every place and thinking of people and defination is diffrent for vegetarian like before egg was in non-vegetarian but now its in vegetarian. Diffrent people following diffrent rules and books but as our holly book and our law i can tell my family is 100% pure vegetarian. Now what book or research you follow i dont know but here so many are true vegetarian