in #health8 years ago

Hello Steemit!

Two weeks ago I went to a Steemit meet up and it was really fun. I am happy I got to meet and hear what people talk about in person. Thank you @timcliff and @kommienezuspadt for inviting me. I hope to attend another steemit party.

Since my post about minimalism, I have had another awakening about food.
My father drove five hours to visit me in Minneapolis two weeks ago. I have not seen or spoke to him in months so I was very excited for him to visit. Normally when he comes we go out to eat and then go to a bar and hang out. This time was a little different. When he arrived at my place he was glowing, smiling, and he looked very fit. I asked him, "Why the hell are you so happy?!" He replied, "I'm a vegan now." I was shocked to hear that my father who normally is a steak, tuna, chicken, fish, lobster, egg, and cheese lover now considered himself as a vegan. We sat down and he could not wait to tell me about his health journey. He told me that he went to the doctor and discovered that he was considered obese and had high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. The doctor gave him two options-- change your lifestyle or take drugs. He chose to change his lifestyle. He did research and found out all these negative side affects about meat consumption. He was appalled by all that he read and everything clicked for him. My 65 year old father threw out all of his processed foods and meats and bought greens and vegetables. With that said, he also picked up bicycling. He had so much energy and life in him after switching his diet. Within a month he lost 30 pounds and lowered his blood pressure and cholesterol. Doctor man said, "Keep it up, whatever you are doing is working!" This time when he came to visit, We biked on the Greenway and stopped for lunch at the French Meadow where we shared a veggie burger and a salad.
After two days of hanging out with my dad, I was very curious about kicking meat to the curb as well. I did some of my own research and decided to experiment with my own diet. I am in my 20s and I know that my health issues are not as bad as others who are older or that have been eating unhealthy for longer. My health issues are insomnia, candida, anxiety, and irregular menstrual cycles. I also have low energy a lot of the time. I decided to change my diet and see if it helps any of my health issues. I decided to have a pescetarian diet and be dairy conscientious. Pescetarian because when I see fish I want to grab, kill and eat them. Therefore, I feel like it is natural for me to eat fish. After a week of this diet, and more research I decided to cut dairy out too. I would love to go into more details bout specific reasons why I choose to not eat these foods in later blogs but right now, I will just document how I feel as an experiment. So far, in two weeks of not eating meat I have noticed a few changes. First change is that I crave more veggies and the food taste more full in flavor. Since I started the diet, I have been sleeping more and not only am I sleeping but I am dreaming vividly. The biggest change is that menstrual cycle this month was regular. In just two weeks I have seen changes but I can't say for sure that it's from switching my diet. I have so much more to say about vegan diets but I will make other posts about specific topics.

This is new to me and I would love to know your experiences on vegan dieting.


Good times. I've been vegan since Feb. of this year and have seen even greater energy and fat loss over my long time vegetarian lifestyle (since '92).

Looking forward to more on your journey.
Good luck and happy health to you and your dad!