Workout Wednesday: Another Short Full Body Workout w/Extra Booty Work

in #health7 years ago



So, I've been writing "Weight Loss Wednesday" posts since I started on steemit. That's awesome, and I've made a LOT of progress with weightloss in the past year. My goal was to lose at least 60 pounds (I've lost 65 in the last year!) and to find habits that were sustainable, mainly focusing on things that would help me continue to feel emotionally healthy through the process.



During the whole year, I've sporadically dipped my toes in the water of workouts, but mostly have been hit or miss (and mostly MISS!) in being consistent. I've tried Pole Fitness, Entered a Steemit Fitness Challenge and learned a lot about myself in the process... in part that I NEED to figure out my workout-mojo!

So after the year of success with these changes:

  • Fasciablasting/taking care of my physical self regularly
  • Intermittent Fasting (The "diet" that has come most naturally to me)
  • Quit Drinking Alcohol
  • Counting Calories (and making sure that I'm getting ENOUGH)

I know that I'm ready to move onto expecting MORE of myself. I want to be consistent with my workouts. For me, this means that my current goals are:

  • Hit the gym with my BFF for a little cardio and lifting at least twice a week (preferably 3x, but twice is where I'm setting the bar for right now)
  • Workout at home twice a week (mostly upper body, since my gym partner has injuries that keep her from most of the upper body stuff)
  • Flexibility focus at least once a week. (I should be doing this 5+ days a week, but knowing what a struggle it is, I'm going to start slow!)


Yesterday was another short full body workout with extra booty work. We should have also done walking lunges, but I completely forgot to do them. :/ I was feeling extraordinarily PMSy and moody, so I guess I'm really proud of the fact that I not only went to the gym, but also that I didn't spend the whole day just eating chocolate like I wanted to.


Lat Pull Downs 3 sets of 8 at 70lbs



Dumb Bell Press 3 sets of 8 at 15lbs



Single Leg Dead Lift (I started with a low weight, because I really have to focus on not using my back for this... I'm still not great at that, but using lighter weights helps me get it right and THEN I can move onto higher weights.



Using this machine, with 3 different seating positions works your muscles in a slightly different way. We did 3 sets of 8 on each position.


I spend the whole time making horribly inappropriate sounds and comments while Marie is on this machine so she'll laugh and forget that she's workout out because I'm just that kind of a friend ;)



Weighted hip thrusts are one of my favorite workouts for building the glutes. I need ot build this area up after losing weight... mine kind of just slid off and disappeared.



Annnnd... the abs. Using the bosu ball, slow, controlled movements. I believe I got this one from the 4 Hour Body by Tim Ferris years ago. I used it in my fitness classes back when I used to teach and it is amazing. You can adapt it if you need to by crossing your arms over your chest and just going back slowly, holding for a few seconds every few inches until you're too tired to go any further and work up to extending your arms.


Click the graphic to join the fun



Animation By @zord189

art and flair courtesy of @PegasusPhysics



Click the icons to read some of my other posts!

Storytime Saturday: Psychological Thriller


Sunday Funnies: Letters from a Boat Cat


Mommy Monday: To My Kids: Let's Talk About Mother's Day


Try Something NEW Tuesday: I entered a design contest


Work Out Wednesday: ONE YEAR!!! Progress and Meal Plans


Therapy Thursday: I Gave Up Alcohol for One Year



Photos & graphics are mine except where they are linked to their source


Love to see people workout and staying positive!

Good on you!

Namaste, JaiChai

Thank you! Staying positive isn't always easy, but I'm trying to keep my focus in that direction!

Not only have you lost 65 pounds, but you went to the gym when you were PMSing? No mere words can express the respect I have for you at this moment...


With my VERY random PMSing schedule at this age, I was pretty damn impressed myself. I certainly haven't WANTED to do anything! :) Thank goodness for a good friend, or I know I would have made an excuse to not go!

I used to have a friend (well, she's still my friend, but now lives 4 hours away) who'd show up at my place five mornings a week to go for a 1 mile walk. It's a great way to hold each other accountable!

Yeah, I'm the one that will create a workout, learn everything necessary and push us once we're at the gym. It's just a struggle to GET me there. Last summer it was my 16 year old daughter who got me there, because she needed it to help her with her depression... so I forced myself to go for her. Now it's my friend who needs it, so I'll go for her... even though I know I need it just as much, I can't seem to push it for just me. Which probably says a lot, but I'm just going to go with it for now! :)

Yep, that's such a mom mentality kind of thing - take care of others before you tend to yourself. Lucky for me, my brain doesn't work that way... (and hopefully my eldest who is here on Steemit won't see this and call me out on that - LOL! Again, I commend you for figuring out the way that works for you, and getting it done!

I don't know, I think it might be more of a lazy thing... :/ I'm pretty good at doing things for myself and taking time for me when it's something I WANT or enjoy doing.

And I hear you about your kid being on here, too! Mine aren't that active yet, but it does occur to me sometimes when I write something, "Oh, my kids might see this!" :)

You say lazy like it's a bad thing...LOL

Yeah, I've been thinking about that for years (I've had a WordPress blog since, forever). About the only thing that saves me is that they have zero interest in what I have to say. 😜

Lol :) I had a livejournal for about 15 years that I wrote in all the time (and it was DEFINITELY a "JOURNAL") that I wouldn't want them to read, but everything else I write with the knowledge that they might someday see it. I'm so completely open with them about everything anyway, it really doesn't matter... and I know that although they talk to me about everything under the sun, NONE of them will take the time to read my writing for now (except some of the fiction, but I've kind of ruined that by writing some erotica now!)

I DO have the thought "well, someday I'll be dead and look at all this stuff they can read of mine!" :) Maybe that's morbid.

Work it @byn :)
Good to see you progressing in your fitness journey.

Thank you! :) I appreciate the support!