Benefits of Citrus
Benefits of Citrus:
1.> Healthy eyes
2.> Protect the skin
3.> Able to neutralize the acidity of the body
4.> Cancer Prevention
5.> Treating canker sores
6.> Destroy gallstones
7.> Maintain heart health
8.> Lower cholesterol
9.>Boost immunity
10.> Helps lower blood pressure high
11.> Treating constipation
12.> Increase lust Makarn
Manfaat Buah Jeruk:
- Menyehatkan mata
- Pelindungi kulit
- Mampu menetralkan keasaman tubuh
- Pencegah Kanker
- Mengobati Sariawan
- Menghancurkan batu empedu
- Menjaga kesehatan jantung
- Menurunkan kolesterol
- Meningkatkan Kekebalan Tubuh
- Membantu menurunkan tekanan darah tinggi
- Mengobati sembelit
- Meningkatkan nafsu Makarn