My Favorite Definition of Wellness

in #health7 years ago (edited)

What's Your Definition?


This is my favorite definition of wellness. I thought it might be interesting and/or useful to share here. 

I love this definition because it touches on the physical, mental, and spiritual parts that make up each person.

It includes happiness and wholeness as essential features of living a full and complete life. More importantly, it includes the need to have some meaning and purpose in our lives. 

The Root of All Wellness

Without a sense of purpose, it becomes difficult (or impossible) to manage one’s behaviors. This is especially relevant to setting goals and following through on the actions needed to achieve those goals. 

I’m guilty of often failing to finish what I’ve started. In most cases, it’s because I haven’t connected that goal to a singular purpose that drives my beliefs, decisions, and actions. 

Not having a sense of purpose can make us feel lost, and we may not even be consciously aware of it. This causes us to fall into habit patterns—functioning on auto-pilot as we move through the day. 

I can look back on a day, week, or year and realize all of the things that I could’ve completed but didn’t. This leads to feelings of disappointment, regret, and guilt. So having a clear purpose is an essential part of personal growth and achieving lasting wellness. 

The Integrated Self

Dr. Gerber’s definition includes the integration of the body, mind, and spirit. An integrated person is one who understands that each part of the self affects all other parts. 

In the exercise and health field, we’re  taught that the body is a system of systems, and any breakdown or dysfunction in one system can lead to dysfunctions in another. 

The same is true when you look at the physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of each person. It can be easy to forget or remain unaware of this need for integration. 

We might abuse our bodies—working more than we should, consuming things that can harm us, etc.—without realizing that our emotional and spiritual selves can suffer as a result. 

Understanding how a healthy body and mind can only come from an integrated self is the first step in achieving wellness, peace of mind, and personal growth. 

More Than One Definition

This is my favorite definition of wellness, but it’s certainly not the only one. Each person has his or her own definition of what it means to be healthy and fulfilled. 

It comes down to the meaning and purpose that you have established in your own life. This is unique to each person and must be free from influence or criticism. 

How we define health and wellness can change over time. Our values are constantly evolving, and the things that serve our physical, mental, and emotional health will also change. 

When I was younger, my definition of wellness was based on physical appearance, status, and my ability to work (and get paid) as much as possible. 

Now, my definition is rooted in having physical and mental health—feeling good and being able to perform at my best each day. I enjoy learning, providing value to others, and knowing that I’m achieving personal growth over time. 

I’m sure you have your own definition. Dr. Gerber’s may reflect it, or it might not. Does this definition resonate with your? How would you change it, or what would you add to it?