New Study Suggests Going Organic Might Decrease Your Risk Of Cancer

in #health6 years ago (edited)

A recent study that was published in the JAMA Internal Medicine journal, sought to discover the association between the risk of cancer and an organic food-based diet.

They followed almost 70k participants as a part of their study and they recorded the eating habits of those participants, along with noting their quality of health over the years. What they discovered was that organic diets might play a dramatic role in decreasing the risk of cancer.

For those participants out of the 70k who had stuck with an organic diet they were seen to develop cancer at a much lower rate, about 25 percent less likely to develop cancer than the others.

The researchers were surprised to find that even when people were eating unhealthy foods but sticking to organic, rather than non, they also were found to have a significantly lower risk of cancer.

The participants in the study were expected to record their own eating habits and to detail their consumption of organic foods and how frequently they ate. Based on their self-reports, the researchers were able to establish an organic food score for them.

For the almost 70k people they had followed, over 1300+ cancer cases had eventually been identified, with the most prevalent being breast cancer, followed by prostate cancer, skin cancer, colorectal cancer, and others.

They discovered that high organic food scores were inversely associated with the overall cancer risk; they seemed to have a reduced risk of cancer.

Researchers admit that the findings still need to be confirmed but they suggest that promoting organic food in society might potentially work as a preventative strategy against cancer.

Despite the variety of reports that have come out suggesting that there isn't any nutritional or health benefit to be gained from going organic, millions of people still opt to purchase organic items and this market is thriving worldwide.


The information that is posted above is not intended to be used as any substitute for professional medical advice, or diagnosis or treatment. The above is posted for informational purposes only.

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Great to hear obvious but some people need it told to them by a scientist or someone with letters after their name. The amount of crap they spray on food and pump into it its not surprising it gives us cancer. People always say to me how do you afford to eat organic? When I say how much I spend they are surprised as its about what they spend, it the 🐒 that insights this thinking organic is really expensive. Everyone needs to go organic it'll change the world 💯

Check this out even organic food is on the hit list.

what isn't these days

I thought the information about how they are now making baby formula out of e-coli is particularly sick. It looks like the future for our food will come from a lab and not a farm.

Thanks for sharing! I truly believe that not just cancers, but a whole host of other health issues are either directly or indirectly caused by additives, processing, GMO ingredients and pesticides. Think back over history; we have gotten sicker as time marches on. Granted environmental issues can also contribute, but I believe you've hit the nail on the head with this one! Have a nice day! :)

I moved under a cell tower to irradiate away any potential cancer cells and sperm count.

Did we really need a study to tell us that ingesting pesticides could be harmful? Surely seeing growers dressed head to foot in protective clothing as they spray the chemicals on our food might have given us a wee clue.

I have a friend who has been eating organic foods for nine years and he always says that it is the best thing that could have happened to him. His health is very good, definitely eating healthy influences our health a lot.

A few decades back it was expensive to eat junk food and not so expensive to eat organic. Isn't it funny that today is the other way around?

Posted using Partiko Android

Just another reason to eat organic. Great article upvoted and resteemed.

I go with organic when the price isn't to high, but when the price of organic is sometimes triple the price I'll need more convincing.. Going broke is also hazardous to ones health.

Looks like a pretty solid study (70k participants, followed for more than 7 years). If I had to bet, I'd say that eating food that hasn't been bathed in pesticides is probably healthier.

Higher organic food scores were positively associated with female sex, high occupational status or monthly income per household unit, postsecondary graduate educational level, physical activity, and former smoking status. Higher organic food scores were associated with a healthier diet rich in fiber, vegetable proteins, and micronutrients. Higher organic food scores were also associated with higher intake of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and legumes and with lower intake of processed meat, other meat, poultry, and milk.

Which makes sense and highlights why more and longer studies are needed to better dissociate organic food consumption from leading a wealthier and healthier lifestyle in general.