5 ways your body is trying to tell you that you need more sleep

in #health6 years ago

Sleep: we know we need it, but sometimes just can't get enough of it. Many of us live in a state of sleep deprivation, and can't even remember what it feels like to wake up well-rested, and it's simply not good for us.

According to the CDC, one in three American adults ages 18 to 60 are not getting at least seven hours of sleep each night, and therefore are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. That's 33% of people, making chances pretty likely that you too need more sleep, even if you don't think you do and that can have a pretty big effect on your body.

Here are five signs your body is sending as to clue you in as to whether or not you may need more sleep than you're getting on a daily basis.

  1. You can't function without caffeine.

Most of us are guilty of succumbing to the need for caffeine to survive the day. You may think you don't need more sleep than you're getting because your three cups of coffee a day keep you awake and alert, but the reality is that not being able to function without caffeine may be a sign that you actually do need more sleep.

The National Sleep Foundation reminds us that "caffeine cannot replace sleep" as its effects are only temporary. We need sleep, but we don't need caffeine.

  1. Your face and skin aren't happy with you.

Sleep deprivation can cause your skin to be more oily. Dark circles under your eyes in the morning are a tell-all sign that you didn't get enough sleep the night before, but a less obvious sign is an increase in blemishes on your skin.

Breakouts are caused by insulin resistance and increased secretion of sebum, both of which are caused by sleep deprivation. As a result, when you aren't getting enough sleep, your skin is likely to show it in the form of new, otherwise unexplainable zits, and unexpected breakouts. You can try to combat these breakouts with a more intense skincare routine, but ultimately, more sleep is essential to clearer, happier skin.

  1. Your body isn't recovering as quickly as it normally does.

Not getting enough sleep could increase your chances of getting sick. Our bodies recover at rest.
Sleep deprivation affects the immune system in a negative way: we become more susceptible to sickness, and this deprived state affects how fast you recover when you do get sick, according to The Mayo Clinic. The body releases protective proteins called cytokines during sleep that fight inflammation and infection, but when we're not getting enough sleep at night, the body can't recover as quickly as it normally does.

The same goes for the body when it comes to recovering from exercise. The National Federation of Professional Trainers lists that the average gym-goers recover in as quickly as 30 hours and up to 48 hours post-exercise. If you're feeling sore three days or longer post-workout, you may not only have overdone it, but it may also be an indicator that you need more sleep.

  1. You're constantly hungry.

Constant hunger or unexplainable weight gain could mean you need more sleep. If you're constantly hungry, or experiencing unwarranted weight gain, it may be a sign that you need more sleep even if you don't think you do.

Lack of sleep disrupts the function of two appetite controlling hormones— ghrelin and leptin. According to Tuck— a dedicated resource to sleep, mattresses, and sleep hygiene — "Ghrelin and leptin regulate the body's energy balance, making the br ain feel hungry or full." Basically, we eat more than we need, crave higher-calorie foods, and eat on an unregulated schedule when we're running on a lack of sleep.

  1. Your mood is all over the place.

A lack of sleep can leave you feeling moody. Sleep impacts our mental health and mood just as much as it affects our physical health.The National Sleep Foundation labels the relationship between mood and sleep as a "complex relationship," due to how lack of sleep can lead to negative and altered moods or conditions, but these conditions can also lead to lack of sleep.

Essentially, the two can be a part of a vicious cycle: sleepless nights and unpleasant moods throughout the day, repeatedly, until you're able to catch up on sleep and get as much as you need to.