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RE: What is happening to me?

in #health7 years ago

First of all, thank you for the effort to actually read my blog and respond. I appreciate it very much!

Yeah, i think it is because of the coffee. I have problem with seeing doctors(that i know of) here tho, they exaggerate and ask for more money. I wrote this so i can get more opinions. And ofcourse need to be healthy. I just went thru tough stuff ,reason why i fucked up my health. And i think that's stupid of me. Thanks for your honest response. Take care ^_^


I guess I'm lucky to I've in Canada where doctors aren't thieves😞
The headaches with vomiting sounds like a fever. In that case I generally wrap myself naked in lots of sheets, then sleep till I sweat profusely to break the fever. For the headaches, two tylenol (acetaminophen). Cut down your caffeine consumption, make a point to eat fresh fruits and nuts. Hope this helps a little.

Haha i dont want to call them thieves, more like taking advantage. ^^
Thanks for those suggestion, i'll try it. Appreciate it very much!
Woah Nuts! Love nuts!
Yeah i had a flu but tolerable.