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RE: Day 2 of 20! Make it beautiful!

in #health6 years ago

I've got so much admiration for you doing this! I did a 7 day juice fast- I felt great for the first 4 days, then absolutely awful for the last three- tired all the time, just rough. But then I guess doing it and trying to carry on with the full-on pace of day-to-day life might have been a mistake?

You really did make those tomatoes look yummy... though... how how how can you sit and eat a bowl of the foul things? BLEURGH! Mmm I see lots of tasty juices in your future :)

E x


Hahahahhahaa you don't like tomatoes??? Oh gosh they were SOOOOO good!!! And now I miss them abd can't have them for hmm 15 more days! Lolollol

Yes... You are right. You really need to sloooooow down on a fast. If not... You'll hit the wall for sure!

Day 3. Feeling good... But the cravings were strong today. In about 2-3 more days they should be gone (ish) lol

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