What you eat, defines you: Antioxidants that improve your skin

in #health6 years ago
We all want to keep at bay over the years, most people have focused so much on implementing the surgical methods offered by the market to try to maintain youth, ignore or have forgotten the great benefits that nature has for this end.

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Changing eating habits can not only make you look good, but also improve your overall health; Many of these facilities are given by foods that contain antioxidants, since they exert a rejuvenation and delay in the natural oxidation of cells, thanks to their vitamins, minerals, and other photochemical substances.

Let's do it

Give yourself the opportunity from nature, it will make you feel and see in excellent conditions. Below I present the best foods that have a high index of antioxidants, it's time to change your menu:



Being one of the most used vegetables in kitchens around the world, the tomato is a very good source of the antioxidant lycopene, which plays an important role in the release of free radials that help to fight the oxidation of cells. Additionally, it protects your skin from injuries caused by the sun and prevents skin cancer; also this vegetable is a healing and anti-inflammatory that acts on the body as a remineralizing and detoxifying, and removes lead from the blood. Due to its degreasing property, it is good for acne treatments, since it prevents, postpones and reduces both internal and external cellular oxidation. It is advisable to cook the tomato and pack it, so you will have a greater amount of lycopene.


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Although it is not known exactly where and when broccoli emerged, studies claim that this vegetable is the result of a mutation of green cabbage; Some even believe that during the dominion of the Roman Empire this delicacy was already enjoyed, and that thanks to the expansion of this civilization, the broccoli became known throughout Europe and then in the rest of the world. It is valued as the super-vegetable par excellence, due to the high amount of vitamins (vitamin A, beta-caro-teno, niacin, vitamin E and folic acid) it possesses, which is why it is one of the best sources of antioxidants that, not only protect your skin from aging and free radicals, but also bring other care to your body, such as reducing the amount of bacteria in the stomach and strengthen the immune system, thanks to its high amounts of vitamin C.


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As much as salmon, tuna, trout and sardines, they have a high content of Omega3 fats and are carriers of antioxidants that contribute to the elasticity, hydration and firmness of the skin, preventing the formation of cellulite, premature wrinkles, inflammation and joint pain fish also receives important preventive properties of diseases in the heart, and the lipids that it possesses favor the development of memory and the brain. In addition, fish proteins have all the necessary amino acids, a very high value of nutrients.

Green tea

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Green tea has high levels of antioxidants called catechins, which help restore skin and cell damage, caused by free radicals, oxidation and the passage of time; Even a study carried out in Georgia, United States, revealed that it is able to rejuvenate those cells that are in their last phase, protects the skin from the negative impacts of UV rays and reduces heart conditions, contributing to the regulation of cholesterol. To make matters worse, the infusion acts as a natural diuretic.


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The cultivation of this original fruit from the Asian continent, extended to countries with warm climates such as Spain, Colombia, Venezuela, Egypt, Cuba, among others. The mango contains high amounts of malic, palmitic, p-cumaric and myristic acids, and a valuable number of vitamins A, E and C; the extra supply of vitamin A maintains and repairs skin cells, prevents dermatitis and regulates hair loss, while vitamin C neutralizes free radicals and optimizes the immune system.

And remember to include in your diet healthy foods, remember that the change starts from the inside out

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