Beautiful broad shoulders are men's dream.

in #health7 years ago

The development of this zone, most athletes pays much attention. However, not all beginners in the gym do it right. The fact is that this is a rather complex area, which requires an integrated approach to its elaboration.

Specificity of training the shoulders
In terms of pumping, the shoulders - one of the most difficult areas. The deltoid muscle that forms this zone consists of three parts (bundles):




There are no exercises that equally effectively use all three bundles. That's why training shoulders should be literate and thoughtful. It should always include a series of exercises.

In general, all exercises for the shoulders can be divided into two large groups: isolating and basic. Proceeding from the name it is clear that isolating exercises involve only 1 beam, and basic ones - several beams.

If you are new to the sport, start with basic exercises, and add isolating ones as needed. In general, even professionals believe that basic exercises are more effective. Isolators are needed in order to pump a particular lagging beam.

Effective exercises for shoulders with dumbbells and a barbell
Training your shoulders you will not seem boring, since for her there are various exercises. Let's analyze 8 exercises for which only dumbbells or a bar are required:

bar press up;

press the dumbbell up;

dilution of hands in slope;

thrust to the chin;

traction of dumbbells in the supine position;

lifting hands in front of you;

the cultivation of hands with dumbbells;

Arnold's press.

Pressing the bar up is one of the basic exercises that will help to build up the weight of the shoulders quite quickly. The main load falls on the front and middle sections of the delta. Pleasant bonus - triceps are worked. Place your feet shoulder width apart. Push the rod up with an uphill thrust with an exhalation. On inspiration, lower the bar back to the chest. The same can be done sitting on the bench.

With the dumbbell press, the same muscles work as for the bar press, but do not confuse these exercises. The dumbbell press due to the special amplitude of motion creates a large load on the muscles. You can perform the exercise while sitting and standing. On exhalation, straighten your arms up and dumbbells together, at the inhalation, bend your arms at an angle of 90 °.

Raising the hands in the slope is an isolating exercise. This is the most effective way to work out the most difficult part of the triceps - the back bundle. It is important to take the correct starting position: the body is tilted forward, legs slightly bent. You can rest your head against the support. This will fix the body, protect it from swaying and thus increase the load. On exhalation with effort it is necessary to open hands, on inspiration to lower them downwards.
ha barbell to the chin - the basic exercise, the load depends largely on the grip. A narrow grip allows you to work both delta and trapezium. With a broad grip, the load focuses on the delta. However, the best option for training is an average grip. Before starting the exercise, stand in the starting position - grip the bar from above, hands slightly bent. On exhalation, pull the bar to the chin. In this case, the elbows should part ways. At the top, pause. With an exhalation, gently lower your hands down.

Dangerous Exercises

If you want to avoid injuries, you need to be cautious about the following exercises:

Press the bar from behind the head. Already in the middle of the movement, the shoulders are in the extreme position, which leads to an overload of the ligaments. Well, if you bring the bar to the end, the risk of injury increases at times.

Bench bar lying with a wide grip. In this exercise, the load from the triceps shifts the front beams of the deltoid muscles. Because of this, you can get an injury to the shoulder joint.

Pulling up the head. The unnatural position of twisting the joints sooner or later will lead to trauma.

If you can not avoid these exercises, since you consider them to be particularly effective, closely follow the technique, ask someone from outside to observe your work. The position of the joints in each position should be as natural as possible.

Another important advice that will help to avoid getting injured on "dangerous" exercises: always conduct a high-quality warm-up workout, if necessary, use special warming ointments. It is advisable to put these exercises at the end of training, when your body is maximally warmed up.