Barley Grass Juice Powder: Powerhouse in Detox & Nutrition

in #health7 years ago

Introducing Barley Grass Juice Powder! 


This small green super powerhouse of nutrition and detoxification. If spirulina is considered the "daddy" of all chlorophyll supplements (include the link to spirulina article), then Barley Grass Juice Powder would undoubtedly be the companion and "mother". In an upcoming post, we will show you how all the recent plant supplements we have been discussing work together to do truly amazing things for the human body! 

Probably the most valuable history you can know about barley grass juice powder is that it was used since ancient cultures walked the earth, thought to be as far back as 7000 BC. Its main purpose back then was medical to help heal people of many ailments. Many people in this current century have never even heard of barley grass juice powder, but this is something you really want to familiarize yourself with.

Let's explore why we need to get to know this amazing superfood!

1.) Do not confuse barley grass powder with barley grass juice powder. Juice powder is barley grass that is cut but then cold pressed into juice at low temperatures, which allows it to keep its raw benefits and maximum amount of nutrition. Plain old barley grass powder is just the cut grass that is dried and powder processed. It is less expensive but has less nutritional value, is less absorbable by the body, is bulkier, and much harder on the throat for consumption. It is basically like trying to consume either a full grown sunflower vs. sunflower sprouts.

2.) There are a large variety of vitamins, minerals, and enzyme fatty acids that contribute to this ultimate food source!
Let's talk content:

  • Vitamins: A, C, B
  • Minerals: iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus
  • Enzyme fatty acids: oxidase, peroxidase, catalase, cytochrome oxidase, and transhydrogenase.
  • Gluten free
  • Especially high in chlorophyll
  • Lots of protein and all 20 amino acids - 8 of which the body can't produce on its own!

It is interesting how often you hear so called “nutritional experts” tell people that if you don't eat meat or drink milk, then you can't obtain enough protein or calcium. However, the more you learn about some of these amazing superfoods we have been featuring, you will see that is very false information. In addition to the protein barley grass juice powder contains, it also has 11% more calcium than milk, with none of the inflammatory properties that dairy has on the digestive system!

3.) If you are familiar with what the nutrients & compounds in section 2 are capable of, then it is easy to know some of the issues a consistent diet that includes barley grass juice powder can assist with. The vitamins and minerals are great for skin issues & hair and nail improvement. Clearing skin issues can improve the overall look and age appearance as well. The enzyme fatty acids help the body decompose fat in a fluid process for release and that helps create a balanced body weight. The most beneficial aspect is probably the chlorophyll - it helps balance the body’s pH (and it’s common knowledge that low = acidic pH levels create disease), stops the growth of bacteria, boosts the immune system, increases energy by feeding cells, promotes good digestion (which helps detox the body), relieves constipation, and improves blood sugar levels to help diabetic patients. There are even studies that show chlorophyll can increase production and function of T1 cells, which can help patients with HIV and cancer.

Plus, chlorophyll has almost the same structure as the hemoglobin in blood. source

4.) How does barley grass juice powder help you detox? As stated above, the fatty acids aid in a smooth process of fat cell removal. The chlorophyll improves digestion and helps remove toxins from the liver. Both processes aid in the body’s ability to clear toxins. Barley grass juice powder also oxygenates and gives nutrition to the vascular system, which assists in the circulation of the lymphatic system. If you know anything about detoxing, you know that clearing the liver and getting the lymphatic system moving are a few of the critical components. There are some other studies being done by Yoshihide Hagiwara, MD and pharmacist, in regard to barley grass juice powder’s abilities to remove pesticides in vitro.

Look at all the benefits that come from such a little powerhouse of plant fusion! 

In all the research we have done, we found no mention of even potential negative side effects, which is very encouraging to the overall health benefits available from barley grass juice powder. If anyone does find anything negative please let us know the reference source and we will be happy to update our research information.

There are community members living here @gardenofeden that have first hand life experience and knowledge with barley grass juice powder products. We always recommend everyone do some kind of research and make choices they feel good about. With that being said, based off our self-testing, we offer a product recommendation. This could be helpful, saving a lot of time not only researching barley grass juice powder, but also which products are actually a good buy or not. Here is the affiliate link:

If you use that link to obtain the suggested item, we receive a small percentage of the purchase amount. Our intention is not to sell products, but when we find a quality product at a good value we like to put our years of knowledge and research to work for the greater good. If you are going to purchase this anyway and at the same price, then this will help us too - and we use the funds to help build a better world.

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above: 

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.


Another powerful contribution to health and well-being!! I'm excited that this amazing plant is being highlighted and its magnificence shared. Health is something we all can use every moment of the day. Sharing ways to upgrade will help us all. Blessed by your existence, @gardenofeden!

I love this! Helps so much.

Great, glad to hear you're having a positive experience with it, @bitdollar! It's really incredible.

I remember this grass when ellen asked adele to pluck and eat it. Now i got to know it's use.

Cool, glad to see the mainstream is bringing some awareness to it!

It's a great juice, contains lot of vitamins which our body need it, thank you for showing us nice information and healthy juice too.

You're welcome, @creativewoman! This one is very nutrient dense with lots of awesome powers for enhancing health.

Great post and information.. I didn't hear about it till now.. And I wonder since it is good for the skin and detoxification, did you find some information regarding acne (problematic skin).. I am looking for a natural (inside out) solution for my skin.. Thank you for the post! Upvoted!

Yes, it is! It's got lots of vitamin A and detoxing properties to keep the skin in tip top shape. Thanks for reading and commenting, @tamacvet!

That's very interesting. Honestly saying I never used any nutrition for detoxing and would like to try at some point. The main question, do I really need it ? I mean I feel good, nothing bothers me :)

Good question, @flowily! The thing is, we live in an increasingly toxic world. The air, water, and food supply are full of unhealthful compounds, and lots of it builds up and concentrates in the body. There are lots of nutritious, delicious plants that also have detoxing properties that target the body's elimination systems and keep things running smoothly. We're going to do some posts about detoxing soon, and if it's something that interests you for protecting and enhancing your health, we invite you to check them out!

You can ALWAYS be healthier!

@gardenofeden, can you do some posts about chinese herbs like ginseng, astragalus too? and maybe some nootropics/superfood like lion's mane. Thanks, you have my upvote

Thanks for asking, @tai-euler! We are addressing lots and lots of plants to share their incredible healing properties, and we will add your requests to the list!

Oh God!
What to say!
Keep wonder post
Upvoted for you
Keep it up dear

The Egyptian contribution to architecture was more concerned with remembering the dead than the living.

I am super impressed by this super food and this post does it justice!