Candida Cleanse Week 3: What Are We Really Eating? 🍐 🍉 🍇 🍓 🍌steemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Diet is a large part of the protocol we are following to bring candida overgrowths in our community members back into balance.

Lifestyle changes (especially something as basic eating habits, which are developed in infancy) can be challenging in the beginning. Thankfully, we have the support of a group while we make some more health conscious choices, and we invite anyone who wants to upgrade their health to take part as well!

After only 3 weeks of following the diet and 100% gum spirits of turpentine  protocol, the majority of us are feeling better and are reporting really encouraging results in our diet wants vs needs. 

Note: we are now in our 5th week of the anti-candida protocol, but it takes some time to analyze & report our data, as we have many other duties and responsibilities to tend to in running our sustainable ecovillage. Although we are on week 5 in real time, today we are reporting results from week 1 to 3.

During this protocol, we follow an anti-candida diet for 4 days and take 1 teaspoon of 100% gum spirits of turpentine first thing in the morning, and we take the next 3 days off each week. During the 3 off days, we eat whatever we want and do not take 100% gum spirits of turpentine.

The anti-candida diet largely corresponds to an alkaline diet based in fresh fruits and vegetables. We are having:

  • fruit smoothies
  • green juice
  • wild plants/herbs
  • raw fruits 
  • cooked fruits
  • raw veggies
  • cooked veggies
  • eggs
  • quinoa
  • rice
  • potatoes
  • tea or coffee

We avoid or eliminate:

  • meat
  • dairy
  • processed foods (anything from a package)
  • wheat
  • non fruit sugars
  • dried fruits
  • nuts
  • oils
  • avocados
  • seeds
  • beans
  • alcohol
  • soda, energy drinks, and other carbonated beverages

Now let's take a look at what we're actually consuming!

Another note: You can see for yourself the high vibe, über dank, delicious, nutritious communal dinners we have every single day, because we share our sustainable feasts right here on Steemit! It's fun & hopefully inspiring to take a peek inside our outdoor kitchen.

Now for more fun, let's analyze some data! Here is a look at our reported diets for ON & OFF days from Week 1:

Looks like we stuck to the protocol pretty well over the first week.

Now let's look at the differences between ON days for Weeks 1 to 3:

Week 3 was a little more relaxed than week 1 while we were supposed to stick to the diet, although only a few people are not following the complete protocol during the on days.

Now let's look at the differences between OFF days for Weeks 1 to 3:

The data shows that from week 1 to 3 we are eating more meat, dairy, and processed foods on our off days, but we are also eating more fruits and veggies even on our off days. This suggests we are adjusting the baseline of our diet and actually prefer plenty of plants when given the freedom to have anything we want. 

Here is what we are experiencing from following the anti-candida diet:

  • Most of the people here @gardenofeden were considered very fit based on height to weight ratio even before we began the protocol. Weight is not something we have been specifically tracking during our experiment, but one individual reports they have lost 10 pounds in only a few weeks!
  • Others have reported a noticeable difference in stomach protrusion both after eating and in the morning. One Eden Knight said, "It felt like I was always carrying around a food baby because I was eating so much, but I still felt hungry. Now I'm eating a lot less, I don't crave junk food, and I wake up each morning with my stomach flat again!"
  • Everyone agrees that eating excessively healthy during the majority of the week and allowing ourselves to eat whatever we want during the last few days is working very well. Everyone feels better mentally & physically since the cleanse started!
  • We have all made positive changes towards our eating habits and are eating much more consciously. Most people report new awarenesses of their own tendencies for healthful vs. not so healthful food choices, consideration for where their habits come from, and an increased desire to choose options that make their bodies feel good.

Despite our starting to slack on the diet in week 3, we are still making progress. Our candida levels have decreased, our die off symptoms have decreased, and our pH levels are slowly rising as well. This is encouraging to know that you can still "cheat" from time to time and see positive results in health! Getting better and better can be fun and rewarding!

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself!

*This information is not intended to be medical advice; it is just shared research & experience.

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Such good info!

This looks so healthy and rather easy to follow. Thanks for sharing.

You're welcome! It is easy and can be totally fun with the right mindset!

Thank you so much for this, as a person new to the health scene this type of info is fantastic. I have been juicing and detoxing for a month now and I haven't felt this good ever in my life. Depression lifted, energy is great, and my mind is so clear and creative again. God bless you and others for sharing health info. It means alot.

That's awesome to hear, @dimensional-drop! Congrats on investing in your health - life is so much better when you feel good!!! Keep it up!!

I've been on the Anti-Candida and Autoimmune Paleo diet for about 2 months now and it's a pretty crazy way to eat. I've been really strict about it and do eat meat (not eggs cuz I'm allergic). Just started to eat quinoa, rice, potatoes, and nuts again because I wasn't getting enough food! But feeling pretty good. Doing it for my thyroid so that I can hopefully keep the darn thing!
Cool that you have a community setting so you can support each other through the sometimes difficult cravings. I couldn't do it without my husband working on it with me ( :

I would look into iodine and then check out what Anthony William has to say about the thyroid in his first book (white one with xray looking cover).

Looked up Iodine but mixed reviews. It's supposed to be good for the Thyroid but not necessarily good for Hashimotos or Graves

Every cell in your body has two things; water and iodine (or it is suppose to). People have become so deficient in iodine that they are developing "diseases" that doctors will tell you not to consume it even though your body really needs it. I highly suggest you read more about iodine at the link above and if someone told you that you have Hashimotos or Graves then I would also highly suggest you read Anthony William book on chronic disease. He helped me fix my EBV (Epstein Barr Virus) Which according to modern medicine is just something you have to suffer with after they pump you full of steroids that mess up your body even worse. Even if you don't believe where he gets his information from, everything I have done from his book for myself and my son has worked very well and I was basically dying from mercury poisoning! :-)

I'll totally check it out ( : Thanks

No worries! I love to help people!

hi @jayjayjeffery, my thyroid gland was damaged by radiation treatment after surgery for throat cancer. Yes, you want to do everything you can to keep it if you can.

The Candida Balancing Diet is very natural. It promotes good digestive tract health and improves the immune system.

Common side effects of the loss of the full function of the thyroid gland include feeling cold and a lack of energy.

After my surgery at the University of Alberta Hospital the doctors there now move the thyroid gland to an arm, out of harms way of the radiation.

for more info about the procedure click here >

All the best to you.

Woah, what?!?!?! Doctors are just scooting the thyroid out into the arm??? That's so sci-fi!

There are so many more ways to restore full health than radiation.

Yep!!! They think of some pretty far out things at the U of A Hospital. The doctors there are very visionary and "what if" types.

And yes, I wish I knew (and practiced) 15 and 20 years ago what I know and do now, health and diet wise. Health is an asset that is priceless but sadly not always appreciated until you lose it.

What!? That's the craziest thing I ever heard! Into your arm? That's kind of freaky (;

It is kind of Frankenstein-ish, isn't it. I just wish they were doing it 10 years ago. It's not so much fun to be cold all the time and low on energy. All the best to you with a healthy solution to your situation.

It's huge to have moral support through changes like these! Glad to hear your husband is supporting, @jayjayjeffery. You might consider joining our experiment! You can share your experience through our form, and we'll track your results:

As far as your thyroid health goes, please learn more about iodine! It's supremely important to the body as a whole, but to the thyroid in particular. We're supposed to be consuming this on a regular basis, but it's not readily available from the standard American food supply anymore (and hasn't been for decades). Iodine deficiency can be the basis of a huge range of diseases, including both hypo- AND hyper- thyroidism. We have seen first hand how this required nutrient can make significant differences in health, and we've done tons of research on it. We highly recommend you look into it:

Good on you for going the natural route to heal your body. Anything is possible, and healing is truly limitless!!! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!

I had heard a bit about Iodine. Surprised my doctor didn't bring it up! I'll read your linked article, Thanks!

Wonderful post...we need these informations..we are so much addicted to junk food,processed food that we are least bothered about taking a nutritional diet ...thanks for sharing ..I am following you and resteeming this post..

Thank you, @momi5! Health is wealth~*~

This is so wonderful. I'm in process of learning more about detoxing and getting toxins out of my body since I know my body is in need of that. Your posts are so helpful, so thank you very much for sharing.

Really glad to hear you're finding real value in them, @joalvarez! May you be healthier than ever!

That is what I want to take care of my health naturally and be healthier than ever.

nice post on this page all like your post and so hot

As usual, another great post. (Sitting here drinking my V8, really missed making and drinking my own) I know how hard you folks work and love that all of you are setting an example for how "Man" is supposed to be living/eating.

I am still amazed and a little upset that there are not thousands of "Eco Villages" all over the place .. When will we learn ? I just don't understand why everyone seems to want to eat poison and live like we do ... I just don't get it..

Anyway, keep up the detox and alkaline diet (Very smart) and of course keep spreading the love and posting here !

Much respect and Kudos to ALL of you !!

Read More, Reason More ... JTS

Yes home made is ALWAYS superior to store bought!

amazing post @gardenofeden. thank you

Great posts and interesting. Thank you for sharing for all