Over 100+ Whole Food & Natural Sources of Important Nutrients to Improve Health & Support Removal of Mercury FillingssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #health7 years ago

We're dedicated to bringing awareness to the reality of modern "health" care practices.


We're taking a look at a very standard dental practice that is unfortunately decades behind modern research. Over the course of multiple posts, we have introduced the fact that amalgam fillings are 50% mercury, revealed signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning, and offered solutions for getting this neurotoxin out of your mouth & body.

The first thing to do if you want your mercury fillings removed or replaced is to get as healthy as you can right now. The removal process is taxing on the body, and you stand the best chance of coming out with the least damage if you consciously prepare your body.

In our last post on this topic, we introduced you to nutrients that support a mercury poisoned body to improve health as best you can. Supplementing or fortifying your diet with these nutrients offers immediate benefits. 

If you do choose to supplement with vitamins and minerals, we'd like to remind you that as far as supplements go

  1. There's a lot of total crap out there.
  2. You do not want synthetic sources--whole food, organic sources are best.
  3. Cost is not foolproof but is often a decent indicator of quality. Super cheap supplements from corporate chains have proven again and again to be contaminated or weak. 

There are a lot of factors to consider and plenty of research to be done if you want to take supplements. We could go much deeper into these factors in future posts if that is of interest to the community. 

Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food. ~ Hippocrates

This is still extremely relevant wisdom, and it is quite a shame that although doctors take the Hippocratic oath to “do no harm”, such little focus is put on food for health.

With that in mind, today we want to share the best whole food and natural sources of important nutrients we know to get you as healthy as possible for mercury filling removal:

1. Nascent iodine

Iodine is a vital nutrient; you need to consume it every single day to provide the foundation for every single chemical reaction that takes place in your body. Unfortunately, our food supply is almost completely stripped of iodine and has been for decades. Modern agriculture practices have depleted iodine in the soil, and we are seeing a correlation with an iodine deficiency in the human population. 

You can get iodine from seafood and uncooked, unprocessed sea vegetables like kelp...but these run the risk of high mercury contamination as well. Cranberries, yogurt, and potatoes have some iodine, but given the rampant iodine deficiency, people need to be consuming much more than the FDA's recommended daily allowance (RDA) to optimize health. 

Iodized salt is a terrible source of iodine. It does not have the form of iodine your body needs, plus it's processed with all kinds of toxins.  

Nascent iodine is one of the few supplements we do recommend, because it is difficult to consume appropriate levels from clean, organic food sources. We found a source we trust to provide the highest quality nascent iodine we know about, and we offer that to other people. We encourage everyone to do more research! 

2. Omega 3s & 6s

These oils can increase the fluidity of how the cell membranes function, which helps mercury be moved out of the cells. The oils also help to calm a distressed nervous system, and there are many great food sources for it: avocados, berries, safflower & sunflower oil, flax seed & flax oil, seeds, nuts, and leafy greens.

3. Zinc picolinate

Mercury quickly depletes zinc, and it is vital to maintain a healthy immune system. There are so many options for zinc: berries, cherries, asparagus, onions, sprouts and microgreens, parsley, raw honey, legumes, wheat germs, nuts, seeds, oatmeal, liver, beef, lamb, cheese, and oysters.

4. Sulfur

Mercury loves sulfur and will try to bond with it making it impossible to bond with other molecules. The biggest problem with this is because sulfur is part of our blood cells and if all the sulfur is being taken to bond with mercury it stops the blood cells from functioning properly. 

Thankfully, there are plenty of delicious sources of sulfur! Garlic is a great source, but it can be extremely potent for some people. You could also have broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, arugula, coconut milk & oil, and eggs.

5. Selenium

Just like sulfur, mercury binds to selenium. Selenium deficiencies have been tied to a loss of glutathione peroxidase, which eventually will cause free radicals to run rampant and cause lots of damage. 

Great food sources of this important nutrient are brazil nuts, seeds, green veggies, tuna, beef, turkey, chicken, liver, and sardines.

6. Methyl B12 and active B complex

If you have ever heard of Connie Fox, she is someone slightly famous for overcoming her issues with mercury, she promotes consuming large amounts of red meat like steak to get massive quantities of B vitamins to help the healing process. 

However, most people with mercury toxicity have digestive issues, and it is very hard to break down meat products. There are many other great food options to obtain most B vitamins, such as dark green leafy veggies, almonds, pecans, eggs, spinach, asparagus, turnip greens, bananas, avocados, onions. All of these can be consumed in whole food form. If you are eating any nuts make sure to soak them overnight first. 

B12 is a trickier vitamin to get enough of. Most people think the only way to consume it currently is via shellfish or other sea sources, however when you already have mercury poisoning the last thing you want to do is consume more of it via sea life. 

Organic, unwashed fruits and veggies are covered by a natural probiotic film. These "biotics", as they are sometimes called, can create B12 in the body under the right conditions. This doesn't apply to chemically treated or potentially GMO produce; you would likely want to clean conventionally grown food before consuming it, and in the process of cleaning chemicals you loose the enhanced biotics as well. 

Other sources of B vitamins:

  • pork, berries, legumes, lean meats, nuts, soy milk (B1)
  • eggs, dark green vegetables, fish, grains, lean meat, mushrooms (B2)
  • sunflower seeds, tuna, poultry, potato, cottage cheese, liver (B3)
  • organ meats, avocados, broccoli, mushrooms (B5)
  • green beans, whole grains, spinach, fish, bananas (B6)
  • soy products, egg yolks, fish, organ meats, cheese, sweet potatoes (B7)
  • green leafy vegetables, citrus juice, legumes, tofu, tomato juice (B9)
  • milk, fish, meat, poultry, fortified breakfast cereal, eggs (B12)

http://www.livestrong.com/article/22253-foods-high-b-vitamins/ and https://www.amazon.com/Medical-Medium-Life-Changing-Foods-Vegetables-ebook/dp/B01IRU0URC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1502310529&sr=8-1&keywords=anthony+williams+life+changing+foods

7. Vitamin C

All citrus type fruits are high in different forms of vitamin C, including oranges, grapefruit, even bananas and pineapple. So is the superfood moringa, as well as kiwis, bell peppers, kale, strawberries, broccoli, and guava.

8. Digestive support (probiotics, enzymes)

There are many options for supporting your digestion while becoming healthier. Leafy greens are an excellent way to clear out old waste that may be stuck in the digestive tract, and they basically come with their own enzymes so digestion is easy! Celery is also wonderful for the lining of your stomach and it also has all the mineral salts a body needs packed into this underutilized vegetable. Onions help to get rid of bad bacteria in the stomach and have amounts of sulfur!

Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, jun, pickles, yogurt, kefir, tempeh, and miso are ideal for introducing beneficial microorganisms to the digestive tract!

9. Vitamin D

This will help aid in fighting off minor health issues and help keep hormones balanced. Additional illness while already mercury toxic can be much worse than it normally could be.

Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D! It reacts with skin to create this nutrient. Other food sources are mushrooms, liver, cheese, egg yolks, and salmon.

10. Colloidal Gold

Colloidal gold is a substance you cannot derive from food, which is why we offer a the highest quality supplement we have found. This is a really powerful anti-inflammatory that improves the electrical system in the body.

Specific whole foods for mercury toxic individuals:

1. Juiced Greens!  

The best and easiest way to get the most nutrition from plants is juicing raw veggies and herbs. Here at the Garden of Eden we have access to many beyond organic wildcrafted plants and herbs that we juice each day to add to our health.http://becknatmed.com/doc/Juicing.pdf

2. Eggs! 

It is said that are some things that mercury robs your brain of that are only available in eggs. The yolk of eggs is very important, if you don't like whites or are allergic to them eat just the yokes. You get achachadonic acid (AA, a fatty acid) and phosphotidyl choline (PC). Yes there is a supplement for PC, however there is no known supplement for AA which makes up about 15% of your brain. The amounts differ but most mercury experts say you should eat anywhere from 3 - 9 eggs (or at least yolks) a day. The cholesterol in eggs is actually very important and beneficial, as it helps build tissue and structures in the body. 

3. Milk Thistle

The seed extract will support your liver during detoxing. 

4. Spirulina and/or wheat grass juice

Both of these are all around super foods and very good for supporting proper nutrition. Spirulina is also thought to help detox the body.

If you take a look over this list of foods, you will see many patterns of the same foods doing amazing and various things for the body. These are the foods that should be focused on to improve and maintain health! Even though some of these food also play a role in detoxing the body - we will focus more on that in another posting since detoxing the body from heavy metals is a very involved process that requires more explanation.

We hope this will inspire you to do additional research and work towards the best possible health for yourself! 

For additional resources on this topic, please check out some of these links and the ones above:





Now we are talking!
Its just amazing how natural health is and how simple/easy it is. Just goes to show how disconnected humans have become.
All the solutions are available~*~

It really is amazing indeed! If a person were to adopt proper breathing, hydration, and rest, and the correct ratio of nutrient inputs, they'd already be healthier than the vast majority of the population!

Yea....It is that easy.....

I would also say that removing all sugar and soda from your eating habits will do wonders for your health. I have recently stopped eating all types of sweets and I noticed a marked improvement in my energy levels and mood.

I was just on Amazon to buy Nascent Iodine. Funny I come across this post. Followed and resteemed.

A very wise move!
You should totally check out all the info here. http://www.intothegardenofeden.com/iodine.html

That must be a sign, because it's some very important stuff! Quinn shares a link to a lot more info.

Thank you for this informative post. Really useful information. It is frustrating that good nutrition is not considered enough in standard healthcare. Vets and farmers tend to lay a lot of emphasis on getting the right balance of vitamins, minerals, protein etc for animals and yet human health care professionals give it very little emphasis. I really believe that for a lot of chronic conditions, an analysis of heavy metal contamination and basic vitamin and mineral levels would be extremely helpful and ultimately save our healthcare systems £$£$£$£$£$£$.

Yes ludicrous

You're welcome, thanks for reading and commenting!
Nutrition is the basis of existence. The food we eat becomes the very substance of our beings, yet modern "health" care completely ignores this fact!

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Great to see support!

This post has received a 1.56 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @upboat.


Thanks for the support!

Great article. Lots of useful information. The best part is that incorporating these foods into your diet is pretty easy. Thanks again!

YES it's easy and accessible! Whether someone is dealing with a specific issue like mercury toxicity or just looking to increase overall wellness, these are easy foods to use in the diet to enhance real health!

Nice article, thank you for this informative post, really it's interesting.

You're welcome!

This is a thorough post @gardenofeden. I love that nature provides and eating a diet rich in real food is the answer. Great job breaking it down and giving us something tangible to easily incorporate for a healthful life.

Grateful to share valuable information that can legitimately upgrade life!! It can be so easy!