Ayurveda and Type 2 Diabetes - What's the Connection?

in #health7 years ago


Ayurveda has been around for as long as we can remember. The exact existence of Ayurveda isn't even known. However, what is known is that this form of indigenous and old holistic approach has many benefits and many applications. It has been used for as long as can be remembered and successfully at that. It has been revered as the traditional health and healing system of the Indian culture and found it's way at to the global stage. The Sanskrit meaning of Ayurveda is described as 'ayus', which means longevity and 'veda' which means science. Together the meaning is the 'science of life'.

The basis of Ayurveda begins with the five great elements of air, space, fire, water and earth. The tenet behind this holistic and ancient philosophy is to achieve balance in the body in reference to the five elements. When one element becomes predominant, the body is out of balance. Every part of the body and organs are associated with a particular element stated above, in reference to their function in the body.

Ayurveda focusses on three basic energies, called doshas, which possess all of these elements. Every dosha contains two of the five elements.

The three doshas are:


vata: air & space

pitta: fire & water

kapha: earth & water

Ayurveda combines specific herbal formulas and diet recommendations to balance the doshas and re-establish health and balance. To date there are over 600 herbal formulas and 250 herbs being used.

Known Sugar Destroyers for Type 2 Diabetes:

  • Gymnema leaf
    This has been demonstrated to support healthy insulin levels. In Hinduism, gymnema is referred to as "gurmar", which literally means "destroyer of sugar". It is also known to increase levels of insulin as well as enhance the growth of pancreatic cells, which we all known suffer greatly in diabetic patients (insulin is primarily made in the pancreas).

  • Cinnamon

  • Fenugreek seed

  • Jambolan seed

  • Holy basil (Aka Tulsi)

  • Chromium

So for those of you have been tricked into believing that type 2 diabetes is a death sentence, there is hope, you just have to look for it and implement it.
