Signs you are Waking Up

in #health7 years ago


We all know about the consciousness shift everyone is talking about. How we are in really special times and humanity is going through huge changes and awakenings.

Below I have compiled sort of a checklist to see how you are doing with you awakening. According to the gurus and spiritual people of the world, this is what they consider most important as signs:

  • You get your food from local/ethical sources

  • You are very health conscious or at least starting to be

  • Show interest and get involved with your local community

  • You Use ethical and local banking or financial institutions (that one is a little controversial and weird, almost ironic)

  • Support local merchants

  • In favour and show support of innovative approaches and solutions

  • You are thorough in your research and make sure you understand things instead of taking some "expert's" word

  • You are consciously and actively evolving as a human (thoughts, beliefs, behaviours etc....)

  • Compassionate and empathic but not to the point where you take shit from people

  • You are altruistic and give freely without expecting something in return (no strings attached approach)

  • You're not only aware but you breath, eat and live this awareness and have made it a lifestyle

  • You see the matrix for what it is and will have nothing to do with you. It strikes you as something comedic in nature and completely unacceptable

I would love to get your comments and see where everyone is at with regards to this list.

Feel free to comment, upvote and follow.

Cheers my friend.