Colon Health Is Very Important

in #health6 years ago (edited)

Tips for A Healthy Colon


Colon cancer cases begin as small, noncancerous (benign) clumps of cells called adenomatous polyps. These cancerous tumors found in the colon or rectum can also spread to other parts of our bodies . Cancer of the colon and rectum (colorectal cancer) is known as a malignant tumor extending from the inner wall of the large intestine. Once the signs and symptoms of colon cancer do appear, they can include changes in bowel habits, blood in your stool, persistent cramping, gas or abdominal pain. As colon cancer can metastasize for years without being noticed , it is suggested to have regular screenings .

Once any individual reaches age 50 and older they should undergo a colon cancer screening. These screening tests can help avoid colorectal cancer by finding pre-cancerous polyps so they can be eliminated before they turn into cancer. For individuals who are normal risk , screening tests should begin at age 50 and the recommended approach is a screening colonoscopy every 10 years; an alternative approach consists of annual stool test for blood and a flexible sigmoidoscopic exam every 3 to 5 years.

Those individuals with a family history of colorectal cancer should be given special screening . Colonoscopic surveillance (also called screening colonoscopy) is to be available more frequently for people who are at higher risk for colon cancer (for instance, those with a personal history of colorectal cancer or adenomatous polyps; family history of colorectal cancer; non-hereditary polyposis; colorectal cancer; or a pre-disposing condition such as inflammatory bowel disease. Since your genetic structure cannot be changed, and if there is a family history of colon polyps or cancer, a colonoscopy should be performed to remove the polyps before they become they reach a malignant stage.

When it comes to prevention, researchers are looking at the effects of curcumin (found in curry), resveratrol (found in red wine), ginger and the Mediterranean diet on the growth and development of colon cancer. Recent research has shown that a high fiber, low-fat diet plays an important role in prevention; how great a role it plays is uncertain . Even though the exact cause of colorectal cancer is not really known, it is possible that many colon cancers can be prevented through having a proper diet and exercise. It is important to manage the risk factors you can control, such as diet and exercise.

An effective detox program, shall include a mental shift in attitude towards diet, improving nutrition, removing toxins, returning the desired flora in your internal system, maintaining a balanced pH level in the body and improving the overall mind and body relationship. Your diet plays a significant role in preventing the development of colon cancer. Diets high in fat and having low fruit and vegetable content , such as those that include red meat, fried foods and high-fat dairy products, can definitely increase the risk of colorectal cancer.

A body cleanse diet, aims to cleanse and remove the dangerous toxins from your body. A very popular detox diet for your body is the lemon detox diet, which incorporates numerous ingredients and requires the individual to consume a drink of these ingredients once every morning, followed by drinking water with a hint of lemon juice throughout the day. You will not have to starve yourself while consuming a safe detox diet, and it contains highly nutritious food that can boost your metabolism.

You must be sure to get plenty sleep and exercise while doing your colon cleanse, Getting regular exercise is believed to reduce the risk of colon cancer. Doing a light exercise program is also a good way of getting blood circulation in your body. People of all ages can benefit from gentle, no-impact exercise. There are tons of exercise programs and plans available, or the colon function can benefit from just walking for at least 12-15 minutes a day.

Detoxification is an effective process of eliminating toxic matter from the body. The natural detoxification system of our body had simply not evolved enough to deal with future man made pollutants. With the increase of toxic matter within the environment and foods we consume , it is not at all surprising that most people are at a level of toxicity that is past the point that the bodies own natural detoxification system can deal with. Regular detoxification will help prevent serious issues and keep you feeling better, both mentally and physically. Detoxification kits can be purchased from health food stores, or you can receive advice from a qualified practitioner or natural physician .

Regular Colon screenings can save your life!