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RE: Stem cells? A diversion while I'm installing the Perl dependencies (!), for the program to tabulate the votes

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Dear libertyteeth. I work with stem-cells. My start-up company builds a product that enables the multiflication of stem-cells and to be able to use them for medical usage ( which is a problem at the moment, and yes we almost all scientist want to use patients own tissue to isolate the stem-cells and multiply them). However, the practice you are talking about sounds dubious to me. I am working with many scientist, that are researching possibilities for stem-cells, but are still at early stages. Regenerative medicine isn't as far as we would like it to be, and though there has been medical doctors that did research on stem-cells to treat pain and arthritis, I thought this was years ago and did not live-up to its expectation, but I am not up to date anymore. Did you ask about it in your own hospital?
I am a chemist myself and not a biologist or medical doctor, so I will ask around and I will try to find out more for you. I will get back to you.


Thanks! You know, I was reluctant to discuss it with my primary care, who actually called me Friday for an unrelated matter. Then I made this post, to discuss it "anonymously" with others.

A few hours ago, I realized that I really should talk to him about it. I will make an appointment with him tomorrow to discuss.

Thanks for helping find answers! Very much appreciated.

Thanks, I hope you find something that helps you and your wife. It is very hard when the medical profession doesn’t have a clear answer for your problems.
You could try to use to put in your symptoms and try to find out what kind of solutions there might be or trials going on. This tool was created by a dad who couldn’t find out what was wrong with his child with learning disabilities. He wanted to help people who can’t get an answer to their problems, but the internet is a mess and hard to get through. This tool is used by pharma ( paid) to find all info on certain medicine or disease or symptoms , but is open to the public to use.
In addition on the stem cell question, in the Netherlands ( I am Dutch so biased) at the Utrecht hospital they do surgeries and treatment with stem
-cells that are not from the patient ( allogeneic), but after surgery. So it is a practice that is starting. I work together with Hubrecht institute linked to this hospital, where they do the stem-cell research and they are highly esteemed in the world.
Scroll down to single step knee repairs.

Neat, thanks! I did a bunch of research yesterday and feel much better about this, now.

NOTE: I had clicked "Reply" to you, wrote the reply, clicked the upvote button, then clicked "Post". This comment ended up under @fishyculture's reply to me! I think the comment response box code might have e.g. "second comment under parent" and when I upvoted it changed the comment order -- thus, "second comment under parent" became @fishyculture's comment, and it was posted there.

This is not the first time this has happened, and it seems to have started fairly recently. My kingdom for a Bugzilla for Steemit!

lol, well it’s here now. And I like the reply to fishyculture as well. I just love silence. I have always loved it. Some people think I’m nuts, but I also believe it’s part of being at easy with yourself, hearing yourself think, and just being...

Oh sorry, I forgot to add that I had to copy then delete the one under hers, and then paste it into a new comment under yours.

Yeah, I'm really enjoying silence. Meditating seems to have taken hold as well. I'm using Headspace; they have a phone app as well as a website -- it's guided meditation. I've started doing one on pain management, actually just last night, perhaps it wasn't only the research that cured that blockage.

Yes, "just being" isn't easy in this fast-paced world!

Let us know how it goes, please! We are OK for now, but I can see knee problems in our future, they already talk to us when we don't want to hear from them...

It's funny to hear you phrase it that way! I've been on a reading tear recently (well, the fact that many of these books don't break triple digits in terms of page count likely helps -- Kindle books, following authors and suggestions), I think I've read 6 books in the past couple weeks.

they already talk to us when we don't want to hear from them...

One of them was "Hear Your Body Whisper" and is about wanting to hear from them! :)

My knees pop when I walk up stairs. Not necessarily every flight of stairs; but, I've gotten so I know when it's about to happen. Which came about gradually -- first it was a surprise; then I knew, the instant before; later I could tell one stair step before; and now, it's like 3 or 4 steps prior.

I wonder if the stem cells will find their way down to my knees, and start making copies and reduce the popping. It's so weird to think that I'm introducing a "virus" of sorts into my body ("virus" from my programming experience, that is) -- something which contains different programming which will make copies of itself and live off the energy that I gather. But unlike a parasite, it will also help with repairs. I'll gladly collect a bit of extra energy to help those little guys! :)

That sounds like an interesting read - I am definitely an advocate for listening to your inner self. I do not claim to be psychic or anything special, but getting kicked out of the rat race forced me to listen to the quiet, and it is amazing all the things you hear when you are not listening to the freeway, your boss bitching, the TV blaring...
I have got to get back into reading books, the internet sort of just stopped it. There is so much information, on whatever topic, with lights and colors... lol!

YES! Exactly. And if you get bored with your current input, many various others are a click away!!! :) You don't even need to change your posture -- which is likely part of the source of my pains.

It's funny, my experience is rather similar; they started kicking me out but then I took myself out with repeated blows to the head. And the silence from recovering from the concussions was absolutely necessary -- and, insightful!

I like driving with no music now, so I can hear the car talking to me about its troubles. So I can fix them before they become my troubles!

I sit here with both of @haejin's books to my right. Still on the beginning of chapter 2. There's so much coming out of this blasted machine!!! :)

Yeah, I can hardly stand the hum of appliances on some days now, I have become quite fond of silence! Ironic, as the loudest hum is the computer... :)

Yes, its output is not only lights and sounds, there's also that creepy fan that changes speed, in this new laptop.

I need to check if there's a "minimum" fan setting, so most of the time it won't increase the fan -- but if some stupid web site decides to mine cryptos while I'm reading because I've got an ad blocker turned on, I want to hear the fans crank up!

Back to listening as a key to understanding lol!