# 54 - Rational Fasting for physical, mental and spiritual rejuvenation (2)
Fasting may be viewed as a grand art form. There is much more to fasting than merely going without food or drink. Learning to begin a fast properly is very important. Transitioning from a poor to an improved diet before initiating a fast can allow the process to be much more effective. Understanding the role of colon irrigation (enemas) in relation to fasting is vital. As you begin, it is important to consider the following question:
- What is the amount of uneliminated waste in your bowels?
- Do you have a uric-acid/lean body type or fatty/mucus body type?
- What is the nature of the uneliminated faecal matter still encased in your bowels?
- Is it made up of the residue of pus-forming foods such as meat and dairy products?
- Are your internal impurities the residue of plant-based, mucus-free foods such as fat-and starch-free fruits and vegetables?
Answers to these questions will help you intuitively make rational decisions before, during and after the fasting process.
Do not feel as if you need to do long dry, water, or juice fasts if you are not physically or mentally ready. Strive to do rational fasts based on the needs of your own body. You need not prove anything to anyone, and fasting is not a competition to see who can be the longest period of time without foods. It is the same not everyone can play basketball like Michael Jordan. Many people can play music but not everyone can play Jazz or piano. We all have our different intelligent. We all have a different body.
It takes years of dedicated practice to attain the highest levels of any art form. Yet in dietetics, health seekers often feel as if they should be able to skip over the transitional process and sustain long fast without dedicated practice. Long-term fasting may be a worthy goal, but it should be achieved through fervent practice over a long time. Most people are far too obstructed with mucus, pus, and toxaemias for long-term fasts to be very beneficial.
Concepts and approaches similar to that of a 21-days cleanse are problematic and should be avoided. Many people pursue such " cleanses ", looking for a quick fix for losing weight or overwhelming a particular ailment. Yet, ill health issues will continue to emerge as long as a person continues to eat poorly after a fast. When fasting and mucusless diet are applied properly, you can permanently transform what foods you desire. Instead of relying on willpower to avoid the wrong foods, you will begin to crave more of the right foods.