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RE: How To Detox The "Sleeper Toxin" Glyphosate From Your Body To Prevent Autism!

in #health7 years ago

Great post.
I can imagine that if they did a combined study about pesticides, herbicides, pollution, and vaccines they would determine someone is trying to kill off the human race. Bringing it down to about 500 million.
Remember you heard it from me first.
The wife @lovenfreedom and I were talking today about all the new revelations coming out lately. We have determined that they are just part of the distraction and that there is something much bigger than any of us know of coming down the pipe.

There letting us all know they are spying on everyone, no bones about it.
Trying to make us think there are many Boogy men like Russia, Muslims, Radical Christians, Patriots and the such.
But the real boogy men are hiding and we will only know who they are when they are done cooking us.


Absolutely true brother! It is paradigm-shift time for sure!

You will enjoy this post I made about the start of the end of warrantless spy tech used on American citizens (hopefully).

Thanks I am looking at it now.