***Find out how you will throw away your house arhshola*#01

in #health6 years ago (edited)


 Arhshola disease spreads germs. Getting rid of Arshola is important. When we do that, we use current chemicals in the market. Which may be far more harmful than Arsholar. So, avoid domestic violence in the domestic system. Take a look at - Beyazpata: We all use baypata to enhance the taste of cooking. Keep bitter leaf in different places in the house. Arsla will not come in the smell of bay leaves. Baking soda: Mix equal quantity of sugar with baking soda and spread it everywhere where the Arsholara bases. Petroleum Gel: Apply petroleum gas inside a vessel and on the outer wall. Put a few pieces of fruit or fruit peas in the bowl. The Arsholar team will be attracted to the taste of fruit. But the petroleum will not get trapped in jail. Cleanliness: Arshola usually nests in dirty places. So try to keep the house clean all the time. Clean the drainage drains occasionally. Cover the dustbin. Bleaching powder: Mix bleaching powder in a cup of hot water and spread it in place. Boras: Broncos are very useful for killing and removing Arshola. Spread the borax powder in the bookshelves or where there is more than Arshola. Harb: A type of harsh name, known as catnip, is also released from Arshola. The pattern can be used by the catnip leaf, or it can be sprayed on the arsholara by boiling the clinic leaves in this hot water. Cucumber: Cut the cucumber and put it in aluminum containers. Cucumber becomes poisonous with aluminum reaction. Which will be killed by thrashing. 
