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RE: If You Live In The U.S. You Are Probably Drinking From A Poisoned Water Supply

in #health7 years ago

hey Zey!!! God it's such a makes me so FURIOUS...and yeah, city water is awful =( And then to make matters worse you have this weird level of sarcastic humor sometimes making fun of people who say that this water 'better' than that water... That shit breaks my heart...because it IS different. IT's MASSIVELY different, CRAZY different. This creek in Montana changed my life. I still drive over 2 hours away to get my water every few weeks, it has completely changed how my body feels, how I feel, and my perceptions around everything. I bring it little gifts every time I come.

You know, everybody always told me as a kid not to drink from creeks because you'll get giardia. Well, eventually I started doing it anyway because they were so beautiful...there was this little voice that was like, how could something so beautiful hurt you...and I began listening to it, not without quite a bit of fear and trepidation. But...I didn't get sick. In fact, It felt REALLY good, that I've been drinking wild water now for about 10 years, and I Will. Never. Go. Back.

Thankyou for talking about it, it's very close to my heart. Also thanks for the randowhale friend!!! I don't know much about fluorine, but whatever they put in or do to municipal water supplies in this a goddamned shame, because that's not what water is supposed to FEEL like.

<3 <3 <3 Thankyou Zey!!!


Yeah man, I pisses me off too that they fuck with our water.
We don't even get the choice whether we want this shit added or not.
It's really fucked up.

I've never drunk out of a creek, but it's interesting that you have tried it and I'm happy you shared your experience. I would have thought you could get sick from the microbes and bacteria in the water, but its a good thing you didn't! Now you got a clean and reliable water source to drink from!

No worries about the randowhale, just returning the favor from your generous randowhale vote on one of my posts :) Gotta return kindness with kindness, and plus, I enjoy your content so it's a plus!

Thanks for the support man!