The Importance of Exercise... Getting Ripped on a Raw Vegan, Intermittent Fasting, Calisthenic Workout

If you've been following my transformation here on Steemit you'll know that I've done psychedelics, fasting, meditation, yoga and changed my diet to a raw vegan diet in the last few months and years which led me to stopping smoking and drinking.
What I haven't discussed yet is the importance of exercise in all of this.
It began months ago with just a daily morning walk... one that has turned into my daily "walk n' talks" with the anarchodogs.
Since, I've added in cardio on the elliptical machine both in the morning and at night. And have just recently introduced some weight training and, more importantly, calisthenics.
What has occurred is that I am in the best shape of my life at 46 years old and I am just getting started.
In this "walk n' talk" I talk about how crucially important daily exercise is. And I mean crucial!
And I talk about what I've been doing and the results I've been having.
When I first told people I was going to go raw vegan AND intermittently fast for 17 hours per day, most people warned me that I'd waste away and be sickly.
Like most, they are brainwashed by the cult(ure). There are countless vegan bodybuilders and athletes now and most of them also intermittently fast as it can increase Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by 2,000%.
I am just getting started and about to go much more heavily into calisthenics. You can follow my progress here on Steemit.
My next goal is six pack abs which is something I've never had in my life. My goal is to have them by the end of the summer. We'll see what happens!

Good going!
I have been doing the vegan diet for almost three years now.
For the better. I am much more healthy than ever before.
As soon as those bad bacteria and other bad stuff dies out within the gut and whatnot it get's so much easier. I do not crave bad things at all anymore. That's why most people do not understand this stuff. They just can not imagine how it feels to live this way.
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Keep up the great work and motivation Jeff! I am making a lifestyle change myself and it is amazing! Happens one day at a time.
Thanks for sharing!
I used to follow a heavy routine, gained 20 kg in a short amount of time. Wasn't sustainable though. Now I exercise about one hour daily, which I think is enough. Mostly cardio. Feeling pretty good.
I actually have been fasting for 20 hours per day and eat under 80 grams of protein per day, eat mostly plants with some fish, chicken, eggs and use a all natural whey supplement from grass fed milk. Have no problem going to the gym and training for 2 hours on an empty stomach, 1 hour of weights and 1 hour of cardio. If I did not do this I would be heading down the path of all my family members of heart disease at age 40. There is a lot of blind people out there when it comes to nutrition and health. The system will notbe able to hold what is coming down the pipeline in 20 years from now. Glad you figured things out and are headed in the right direction.
Noticing what you eat I realise you didn't read the book 'Mucusless diet healing system' by Prof Ehret and Prof Spira. If you really would like to go healthy I recommend this book, it will give you a whole new perspective on food(s).
Trust me you will not find all your answers in some book. My grandfather lived to 99 years old in a 3rd world country on a diet made up of 60-70% animal protein and never went to a dr in his life. There are many like him in my country. I also have known raw Vegans that have died very young and never ate meat. A lot of what ultimately happens is already written for you in your DNA. I keep things simple, I eat food like people ate a few hundred years ago, mostly plants and not too much. I love cooking and enjoy spending time doing so and grow most of my vegetables. I also love salt water fishing and catch most of the fish I eat all year here in Sunny Florida. At the end of the day people should do what makes them happy and not worry so much about dying. That stress is what actually ages people prematurely and makes them live a life full of stress and worries in the present.
my father is 92 and has been, is eating everything you better not, so I hear you.
I on the other hand choose to not only be clean from the outside but also from the inside.
No I am not afraid of dying since we do not die. But I don't want this layer of mucus, puss and acid inside my beautiful and strong body that has kept me healthy for all these years. My body is my temple so I treat it with love and respect while enjoying cooking and eating the most wonderful dishes without mucus, puss and acid forming foods/products. And that makes me very happy and does not give me any stress or worry.
There are also smokers who were still smoking in their nineties and never a day sick in their lives so yes it's about chance as well. Cheers to chance.
Great post, very inspiring mate!
yep agreed! fitness and health is the key to all happiness!
I've been vegan for 2.5 years. I tried raw vegan for 3 months last year, but it was not very easy where I live due to the extremely poor selection of fruit
calisthenics are my favorite, great core control involved and so many functional movements!
Hey, we're the same age - I took up running seriously last September and I have never been so streamline - feel great but I have to buy a whole new wardrobe as my waistline measurement is back to my teens! Hope you get the six-pack...