Which is healthier?

in #health7 years ago

Food makes your body work, grow and repair itself. The kind of food you eat can affect the efficiency of these process. So better choose healthier food.

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Coffee or tea
Coffee is considered as widely consumed beverage in the world. Coffee is good start up of your day and it gives you a bit of memory boost. But a cup of tea contains catechins (so called artery protector) that protects us from bacteria and defense us from cancer. A Green Tea contains high catechins. If you want to live long and lower the chance of hearth attack. Try a cup of tea!


Fried Egg or Boiled Egg
Frequently, the fried foods are unhealthy compared to boiled, steamed or roasted. So, Hard-boiled egg is more healthier and It has only 76 calories compare to fried egg that reached 92 calories because of the cooking oil in it. And also hard-boiled egg is much safer than fried egg and soft-boiled. It's because of the high temperature kills bacteria like salmonella in the egg. Avoid eating raw eggs!


Fresh tomatoes or Tomato sauce
Tomatoes and Tomato sauce contains of high antioxidants like beta-carotene and lycopene. It helps with heart disease, lowers the risk of prostate cancer and bowel cancer (colorectal cancer). But lycopene comes from within the tomato cell wall. It must cooked first and add a little oil before it absorbed by our body. Because of this, the tomato sauce is much healthier.


Pork fat or Fish fat
The Pork Fat and Beef fat has proven to cause a serious diseases like cancer and heart disease. But, according to research, the Fish fat is good for our body, especially oily fish such as sardines, tuna, mackerel and salmon. This is the type of fat that does not greasy and does not harden in a room temperature. A fatty fish contains Omega-3 that helps normalized our heartbeat and gives us long life.


Mango or Strawberry
Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and cranberries contain ellagic acid and cancer-resistant polyphenol. Strawberries is full of vitamin B's, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals, potassium (for the heart) and folate (for blood circulation). Mango is okay because it has a vitamin C but did you know? a mango has 207 calories equivalent of a cup of rice! a cup of stawberry has only 49 calories.

Choose to be healthy! Thank you

-Dr. Ong
