A person who smokes a pack of cigarettes a day, drinks half a glass of resin for a year!

in #health7 years ago

Do you smoke a pack of cigarettes a day? Do you know that this equates to half a glass of resin per year? Of course, you will not believe: "How can it be, is it half a glass?" Alas, it's true: British scientists have proved that the amount of tar-containing substances in one cigarette is large enough: after smoking 20 cigarettes a day, a person will smoke 7300 cigarettes a year! In one cigarette On the average, about 12-14 mg of resin is contained.With simple arithmetic, we find that 87.6-102.2 grams of resin are deposited in the human body every year!
A resin is the same substance that irritates the tissue of the lungs, bronchi, and larynx, thereby causing a cough and / or chronic bronchitis. But this is the most innocuous thing that can cause a person in a substance with the content of the strongest harmful carcinogenic substances. After all, we all know perfectly well that most of the cancers are caused by cigarette smokers. And this is the worst that can be caused by the effect of resin: cancer of the lungs, larynx, bronchi. The resin does not cause dependence on cigarettes, it only "kills" the respiratory system in humans. The cigarette contains a lot of other substances that are harmful to health, but their quantity compared to the resin is much less. But they harm the body as large as the resin.
Also, British scientists noticed that smoking leads to oxygen deficiency of the brain, and it happens because of the effect of one of the harmful substances contained in tobacco: carbon monoxide. It seems to replace oxygen in the blood, mixing with hemoglobin, thereby preventing the brain head, as well as other organs, to get the necessary amount of oxygen. Then the heart and lungs start to work faster to carry the necessary dose of oxygen to the brain and other organs, which in turn causes serious problems with blood circulation. There is a risk of a stroke, myocardial infarction, immunity will be weakened, in some cases, men suffer from impotence, and women are infertile.
In view of the above, it is worthwhile to conclude that smoking causes very great harm to health! You knew about this and you know, but most of you did not think so deeply about it.


Very interesting article. Smoking is not only hazardous to your health but also a waste of money.