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in #health7 years ago

We are all looking for the fountain of youth!

Lifestyles have changed over the years and gotten more sedentary and remote or distant in relationships. So we have manically turned to diet and exercise in the quest for a longer healthier life, but we are approaching the idea of living a long, healthy life the wrong way.

Modern thinking of Diet and Rigorous Exercise has been a complete failure and we need to look at cultures that have an inherent longevity to see why the stay healthier for longer... the Blue Zones.

5 Blue Zones

Blue Zone is a name that has been given an area where people commonly live active live past 100 years of age. After a long 10 year study by National Geographic, Scientists and demographers found 5 longevity areas where the inhabitants’ live longer, on average, than anyone else in the world. They do not try to have better health, they are just part of a culture that have a different approach to life.

These five locations are spread around the world in mid latitudes (where extremes in weather are not present). These locations were classified as Blue Zones as they either had the most people to reach 100 years of age, with the lowest rate of mortality among these centenarians.

Loma Linda, CA - Nicoya, Costa Rica - Sardina, Italy - Ikaria, Greece - Okinawa, Japan

They secret is they all share 9 common traits;

  • Eating a plant based diet with simple carbs, beans and nuts
  • A couple of glasses of wine each day
  • A strong sense of purpose
  • No exercise, simple relaxed movement throughout the day
  • Routinely shed stress through meditation, naps, prayer, gatherings
  • They only eat to 80% full with their smallest meal by early evening then stopping for the day
  • They belong to a faith based community
  • Keeping aging folks nearby or in the home, commit to a life partner, investing time with loving children
  • Strong support groups, Okinawans created "Moais" groups of five friends committed to each other for life

Life Lessons

When one participant in the study was asked how she thought she was successful in living so long, she stated; "We forget to die". In these areas, residents view old age as a given, as opposed to a goal to strive for, which may be the main key to achieving longevity.

These centenarians maintain closeness to family (something most of modern society has forsaken), where they are not considered burdens, but invaluable wealth of knowledge and experience. This close tie keeps not only them in better health, it also keeps the children in a better lifestyle as well.

According to National Geographic writer and explorer Dan Buettner’s who studied the people of these areas for over 10 years explains:

“Only 25 percent of how long you live is dictated by your genes. The other 75 percent is lifestyle and environment, so what we did working for a decade with National Geographic is essentially reverse-engineer longevity. Find places where we know people are already reaching a healthy age 90, and work backwards from there to figure out exactly what they do.”

“There’s lots of huge, chronic disease problems in this country, and I think we go about solving them in the wrong way.” he said. “When you look around these blue zones ... they never tried to live to 100 ... Longevity happens to them. It’s a residue. They’re part of a culture that makes the right decisions for them, and that’s the big secret: How you set up your life so that longevity ensues rather than being something you’re always trying to chase.”

So stop working for the fountain of youth...live it!


Good Health – Evan Pantazi #Kyusho

Image Credit: huffpost, aarpinternational, blue zone project


Go for it now. The future is promised to no one

Already working on it!

It is funny how these low-tech, relaxed zones are where people tend to live the longest.


That was a very interesting read. I have never heard the term "blue zone" until now - and they certainly do share some interesting traits. I definitely have the wine one waxed. hehehe :) and perhaps the exercise one... running around after my family and my son is enough exercise for me.

I always thought this quote was quite amusing... that people get into a car and drive to a gym to go and stand on a treadmill and run. lol

Lovely post. :)

Thanks @jaynie, yes we do some very strange things missing much of just living.

yip! Sad but true!

very useful information @kyusho, many thinks that by do hard exercise is the key for a long life and it is wrong, you are pointing very nice 9 steps to stay healthy and live long, the 256 years old man said that "Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon, and sleep like a dog". he never said to do hard exercises. thanks for sharing

We are constantly looking for the newest fads, diets, pills and gimmicks to live longer, when living simply and enjoying just living... this is the key.

absolutely dear i agree with your words.

So stop working for the fountain of youth...live it! and stress less - for me that's the secret :) Interesting post, @kyusho, thanks for sharing :)

It's always best to flow with nature than to battle it.

@kyusho I really like and useful .
thank you

Something is only useful when put into practice...all the best with it!

if there is a contest please let me know @kyusho

There is. Contest with the end.

Thank you very much

Very interesting post . thanks for this post 100% like and resteem

What is more interesting than life.

Thank you very much

@kyusho - Very informative article. I'm interesting about this subject, so this is a great opportunity to myself. Therefore, I wish to ReSteem your post Sire.

+W+ [UpVoted & ReSteemed]

Greatly appreciated.

Great topic @kyusho
Thanks for sharing

Thanks for reading.