The best way to lose weight (in my opinion)

in #health7 years ago

In my previous post..

I had outlined that I would be doing the ‘Keto’ diet...

Since then, I decided to do the scary thing and weigh myself. Oh dear! That was a mistake!! Four months ago, I weighed around 11 stone 6.

NOW - it’s around 13s 7!!! To me, that’s a thump right back down to Earth. The months of buying lunches, eating loaves of bread and eating generally whatever I wanted are over for the time being.


A friend of mine is currently doing the Keto diet. See my previous post for what that’s all about. Essentially, it means, NO carbs, NO starch, NO chocolate - nothing basically! Well okay, that’s an exaggeration.. fats/meat etc are fine. Less than 20g of carb per day or less. Above all - NO bread or pasta.

And that’s fine with me... I can live without bread. Eating eggs and bacon and all that jazz seems like an awesome diet..... and then..


I’m not doing Keto anymore. I’ve decided to do what I used to do...



This IS the ideal diet for me... if you can call it a diet anyway. This has very simple rules. Anyone can do this (with a little willpower).

It’s exactly as it reads. 16 hours of non eating, 8 hours where you can eat.

I usually stick with 10am-6pm for eating and then that’s it for the day. You can still drink tea/coffee/water etc but fizzy drinks are a no no.

Another thing to try and cope without is BREAD. This is one of the worst foods to make you gain weight. Of course, you can eat wholewheat and rye breads but it’s better to be safe than sorry and cut that out. I’ve also cut out pasta.

What’s brilliant about the 16:8 is that you don’t worry too much about what you consume. DO NOT take that for a green light to pig out on your fav foods. The point is that you can eat things in sensible amounts.


Above all, stick to the fundemental rule. Eat only between your allotted hours. Again - I do 10-6 and that’s that for the day. I’m fine skipping breakfast and believe it or not, the hardest part about f the ‘fast’ is done since you’ll (usually) be asleep for the most of it. See how easy it is?

Above all.... and this is the most important thing. Lose weight/body fat for your own reasons. Maybe you have a health issue or unhappy with yourself. Just remember, it’s only yourself you need to prove something to, not someone else in your life. They should like you, for you. Simple as.

I’m doing it because I’m not happy with myself. I don’t like having a beer gut... so it’s gotta go. I wear trousers size 34 waist but I feel like I should be a 36. I’d like to be a 32 but one step at a time. Everything comes to those who wait.


So, if you’re thinking on doing the same diet or doing another, do let me know. I wanna hear your stories; how you’re getting on and what your targets are.

Above all, be safe and DO NOT starve yourself. Nothing good will ever come from that. Be assured of that!




I think it was in the Zone Diet that I read every diet works for 20% of the people and that most diets have gotten something right, just not everything. I like to read about diets, understand the theory behind them, and then incorporate the best parts into my regular diet.

One of the biggest problems I see is people treating weight loss like a project that ends. And at the end, they return to the habits that made them heavy in the first place. Just to continue with a strict diet, I like Tim Ferris' advice about having one day a week where you can cheat. You don't go crazy and pig out but if you're on a diet where you feel deprived, that's the day when you satisfy your craving.

Be sure to exercise.