Statins and Allergy Meds Could Be Fueling Antibiotic Resistance

in #health6 years ago

Pills that people take regularly for a variety of maladies could be fueling antibiotic resistance by changing the bacteria in the gut.  A study examined the effects of 1,000 common medications on 40  intestinal bacterial strains and found that one out of every four drugs  has a negative impact. The research, led by Georg Zeller, Peer Bork,  Nassos Typas and Kiran Patil, was conducted at the European Molecular  Biology Laboratory (EMBL). 

Included among the most harmful pills were simvastatin, a widely  prescribed statin; tamoxifen, a breast cancer drug; and loratidin, a  popular antihistamine medication used to treat hay fever.

“This is  scary,” said Dr. Nassos Typas, of EMBL Heidelberg, Germany.  “Considering that we take many non-antibiotic drugs in our life, often  for long periods. We actually see drugs from all therapeutic classes  impacting gut microbes. The most prominent from them are antipsychotics,  antihypertensives, anti-cancer drugs, proton-pump inhibitors, antihistamines, painkillers and contraceptives.”

When  infection-causing bacterial strains can no longer be eradicated with  antibiotics, they become superbugs, a health threat that scientists  consider one of the biggest on the globe. The problem has been largely  attributed to the overuse of antibiotics, which damage the bacterial community in the gut called the microbiome.

However,  the new study shows other factors might be contributing to the superbug  threat. The researchers systematically tested drugs from a broad  spectrum of therapeutic classes on individual bacterial strains and  found some from every category impeded the growth of at least one  strain. While recent discoveries have indicated that a few  non-antibiotic drugs have a detrimental effect on the gut microbiome, the full scope of the phenomenon hasn’t been realized until now.

 “The number of unrelated drugs that hit gut microbes as collateral  damage was surprising,” said coauthor Peer Bork. “Especially since we  show that the actual number is likely to be even higher. This shift in  the composition of our gut bacteria contributes to drug side-effects,  but might also be part of the drugs’ beneficial action.” 


Superbug Crisis is Looming

Drug-resistant infections are  responsible for 700,000 fatalities per year, a statistic that is  projected to expand to 10 million by the year 2050, reported the World  Health Organization (WHO). The oversight agency warned that if  unstopped, the superbug crisis  will eventually lead to a post-antibiotic era, when the  infection-killing drugs are no longer effective against most microbes.  Such a scenario would make common surgeries like hip replacements and  caesarean sections terribly risky.

So what can you do to help  reduce your risk of becoming a victim of antibiotic resistance and  contracting a superbug? Experts recommend stopping antibiotics early (as  soon as you feel better) and opting for natural solutions whenever  possible.

By Mary West