The World's Greatest HEALTH SECRET! Find Out The TRUTH right now

in #health6 years ago


Indeed, what is the main HEALTH SECRET? - The answer is obvious. But why still not for every one?! What don’t you know YET but MIGHT know?!

FIND OUT THE TRUTH right now!.. :)

...I remember that once I answered this questions to my students before their school-leaving exams. They had no idea. And when I told them a 'secret' they were really grateful and said that many things they had learned in biology etc. were in vain...

Do you think I offer a kind of a ‘magic pill’ that every now and then the ‘healthcare’ industry (BUSINESS corporations ACTUALLY) suggests providing you with temporary symptom relief instead of TREATING in an effective way...

...By no means!!!

What does it concern?! -

Hm... I want to precise that the answer to the question is OBVIOUS for so called Eastern (traditional, systemic) medicine but unfortunately not for modern Western medicine (with its symptomatic approach)... I guess you understand WHY...

So, it’s high time to answer the question...

Are you ready?! :)

Tantara!!! :)...


The more life energy you have, the better your health is!

The next question is: how one should boost his own energy reservoir... :-)

And the answer exists:

The better (more positive) emotions you have, the bigger your energy reservoir becomes!

WelI... The problem is that modern Western medicine considers a MAN mostly like A ‘BODY’ ONLY...

But I have in mind very important things that exist and influence us a lot regardless of whether everybody/ the science knows about them or not... :)

Be happy! Just do your best and put a lot of effort, creativity and positive emotions into that!

And remember:


Let's discuss!:)


All traditional and systemic medicine tend to take an holistic approach. They can include a long initial meeting covering many details of the patient’s history in a calm atmosphere; a strong focus on reducing everyday stress and improving diet and exercise; an explanation of how the treatment will unleash the body’s ability to heal itself; assurance that over time the treatment will help both the problem that prompted the visit and also general health; and the establishment of frequent follow-up visits.
Modern medicine stemmed from fighting infectious diseases, which have been the biggest problem until recently. But today, the challenge is less one of fighting infectious diseases and more a matter of dealing with chronic conditions such as cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Now that we live longer, these typically late-developing diseases have become by far our biggest killers and account for three-quarters of our health-care spending. And in many cases, lifestyle and attitude changes, the focus in part of alternative medicine, can have an enormous impact on health.

You are precisely right. Thanks for your quick answer and important notes! I hope modern Western medicine would take into account that the human's structure is much more complex that they 'believe' and make believe us… I have in mind the interconnection of psychosomatics and energy level (the fact that life energy level influences on psychosomatics a lot) and other questions to which modern science doesn't give answers… Moreover they're seemed to do it deliberately...

yes exactly, you are right
The best of alternative medicine is that patients are encouraged to participate and take responsibility in their health. It recognizes and stresses changing lifestyle habits that affect your health. Proper nutrition, exercise, rest, and emotional balance are critical to physiological well-being.

Alternative medicine takes a whole body approach when preforming treatment. There is great emphasis on preventing disease as opposed to treating the symptoms of disease. where as modern medicine treat humans like object.

Thank you, Dr. Yusuf Khan, for your informative and rich answers! I like your holistic approach to the matter based on your great background and experience ...

By the way... I have the last one question that comes to my mind on-topic...:)

It concerns Psychic Vampires who drain others of vital energy... How should we deal with people who always complain/ always express negative emotions/ who are seriously ill and do not have vital energy at all? Do alternative doctors recommend their patients to reduce contacts with such people?.. Or anything else?..

I know the question is a little bit unusual, so it's up to you... But I would be grateful for your reply:)

ANYWAY I'm glad to see that you're trying also to create quality content for Steemit and provide people with very useful information! Go ahead!:)

thank you for your response.
as far as regarding your question about psychic vampires who drain vital energy is actually psychological disorders well explained in Ayurveda medicine. psychic vampires are categorized in topic "BHUTOUNMAAD" (उन्माद ). it is psychosomatic disorders due to vampires like creatures. in Ayurveda it is mentioned before 5000 years ago. I will show you some original verses from this ancient book in Ayurveda which I have. this in is the Sanskrit language.


and talking about its treatment, the is book refers to some herbal formulation and detoxification methods called as panchakarma. there is the promising result for this in Ayurveda.

unmad tr.JPG

and your last question " Do alternative doctors recommend their patients to reduce contacts with such people?.. Or anything else?..
the answer is no.
if the patient gets very violent or angry then for precaution only, you have to keep distance otherwise no need to fear !!

thank you !!!

Thank you, Dr. Yusuf Khan, for your very informative comment which contains some key information regarding panchakarma. It's new information for me!

So true. Alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs with nasty side effects must continually be encouraged. Open-minded doctors need to be reminded there are alternatives to writing that prescription for Big Pharma. Thanks for your reminder post!

That's a great and interesting comment, @danielhime. Thank you for being open-minded. And go ahead with your researches!

Couldn't agree more! Our levels of energy rely mainly on our psychological health and our ability to manage daily stress levels. However, nutrition can have a major impact as well- ballancing our nutrition and getting the most out of the food we eat is key to boosting our energy levels. :)

SURE! As well as outdoor walking, physical activity & ecology... :) Good point! Thanks @diana-iv :)

Looking forward to your next posts and challenges :)

Thank you :) I wish you the same!

thank you for dropping by at my post, you said was indeed true. Being happy makes you do things unexpected. Love your idea.

GOOD !! I'm interested in SciDex's project- they are creating a new marketspace for scientific data. Amazing project!