Living with Lupus

in #health7 years ago

I have been debating about writing this post or not because I don't want people to:

 1) Think I'm wanting attention 
 2) Feel sorry for me

but I realized that there are people out there that don't know or understand what Lupus is and how it can be completely debilitating to the people who have it.

Lupus is an autoimmune disease and is hard to diagnose. This disease attacks healthy cells because our bodies can't tell the difference between sick and healthy cells. No one knows what causes this disease!

I've been suffering since I was 16 years old and I will turn 39 on Sunday. I was just diagnosed last year. That is how long it has taken for doctors to realize what I have. There is to date NO CURE!

picture from Pinterest

There are several types of Lupus:
~Systemic (most common)
~Subacute Cutaneous


Several people with this disease may not LOOK sick on the outside but everyday our bodies our bodies are fighting and we feel it! Several of us deserve Oscars for our ability to ACT like everything is ok. Just because we may look good doesn't mean we are feeling good. I tend to hide or downplay my symptoms everyday so my family can have a great day or they can feel like everything's fine. Honestly, I get tired of constantly saying I feel sick, I'm hurting, I'm tired, I'm sure they get tired of hearing about it!

Please read more about this disease here:



I know a few people with lupus, it's not fun.

hola, tengo lupus (L.E.S.) y es muy triste y doloroso padecer esta enfermedad. lamentablemente todavía no hay una cura . pero hay que ser fuerte para seguir adelante! se puede, yo lo logre y por suerte fui diagnosticada a tiempo.
pase por mucho y no he permitido que esta me haga decaer, hoy valoro mas la vida! y pese a toda la medicación que estoy tomando, pongo lo mejor de mi, y no bajo los brazos. gracias por este post . se fuerte!!!
saludos cordiales desde Argentina