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RE: Top doctors reveal that vaccines can trigger autoimmunity, turning our immune systems against us

in #health7 years ago

Free webinar from the people I bought the detox from

Black Box II: Advanced Use of Toxin Binders and Cholegogues in Detoxification Protocols

Date: Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Time: 4:00pm PT / 5:00pm MDT / 7:00pm ET
Duration: 1 hour 30 mins

Space is limited (only 200 spaces available), register now.

Webinar Description:

Proper movement of toxins through the liver is intimately tied to bile movement. Endotoxin and certain mycotoxins are common examples of toxins that can cause intrahepatic cholestasis (blocked flow of bile from the hepatocyte to bile tree). This also blocks toxin flow to the GI tract and results in toxins and bile salts being exported to the blood. This is the cause of most “detox reactions” experienced during attempts at detoxification.

The two most common aspects of successful detoxification missed by detox programs are:

  1. matching liver detoxification upregulation to bile flow, and
  2. binding toxins once they get to the GI tract so that they are not reabsorbed.

Failing to support bile transport and the resulting “back-fire” into the blood can cause or exacerbate neurological symptoms, kidney stress, or skin eruptions. On the other hand, failing to absorb the toxins onto solid binders in the GI tract allow the toxins to poison the GI tract and/or reabsorb into circulation, with similar symptom aggravation listed above for bile stagnation. Despite the importance of “binders”, different binder types and functionality are generally very poorly understood in integrative and functional medicine.

What You Will Learn:

This lecture will outline the major types of binders and what classes of chemicals they work for, how to combine them, and how to keep liver detoxification reactions balanced with bile flow.

Black Box II is our first detoxification protocol built with these aspects in mind, and, although it has great utility for mold exposures, it is a very comprehensive detoxification program for all toxemias.