in #health6 years ago

Happy evening steemianos, ..

I tell you a little story that happened to me with my son some time ago, it happens that one day he started to complain that his head hurt, he got dizzy, the back of his head hurt, he even got nauseous. Logically scared me greatly, thinking that I had something very bad, well take it to the doctor, after a series of tests, the child came out very well from them and the doctor recommended me to take him to an ophthalmologist. On that visit after doing the routine check, it was concluded that my son suffered from visual fatigue, I thought that was a myth in such small children, because the doctor did not explain that from using so much, cell phones, computers and televisions almost at the same time began to wear an internal part of our eyes and not take precautions could get to wear glasses. Since that day is limited to regulatory hours in the use of technological devices. Today I share with all of you what must be done and what not to do to take care of our visual health.

ANNUAL VISIT TO THE OPHTHALMOLOGIST. To promptly prevent eye problems and ametropia. Macular degeneration and glaucoma, among other pathologies, have a better prognosis if they are detected and treated early. Uncorrected refractive errors involve a visual effort with difficulty to focus, eye fatigue and headaches.

HEALTHY EATING. It is necessary to maintain a good visual function. Vitamins A, C and E, minerals such as zinc and selenium, pigments such as lutein and zeaxanthin and Omega 3 acids, are essential for the retina and to delay the aging of ocular structures. These substances are found in vegetables, fruits, blue fish, shellfish and nuts.

VITAMINS AND MINERAL SUPPLEMENTS They should complement the diet in cases of patients or elderly people who do not have an adequate diet and in patients with ophthalmological pathologies that require a higher intake of them.

PRESERVING THE OCULAR SURFACE The ocular surface remains transparent thanks to the lubrication of the tear film. When we blinked, we covered the eye with that film. When we fix the view either on the computer, the television or a book, we reduce the frequency and amplitude of the flicker. This causes ocular dryness with the appearance of discomfort such as redness, pain and lacrimation by reflex. To avoid them, it is advisable to use artificial tears both on these occasions and in adverse environmental situations (heating, air conditioning, smoke, etc.)

PROTECT EYES FROM THE SUN Ultraviolet (UV) radiation produces acute and chronic changes in all structures of the eye. It is essential to shield them, even on cloudy days, after approved sunglasses with guaranteed protection (UV filter). We must reject those that do not meet these characteristics.


NEVER RUBBISH EYES Before ocular contamination by a foreign body or a chemical substance, it is advisable to wash immediately with plenty of clean water before going to the ophthalmologist. They should never rub their eyes.

PREVENT TRAUMATISM Practice the sport with the appropriate glasses. This will not only protect the eyeballs from solar radiation but also from possible injuries and damage caused by environmental factors such as wind, dust and sand.

WORK WITH GOOD LIGHTING Proper lighting is essential to reduce eyestrain. To read we must place the light source behind us and focused on the book. When working with the computer or watching television, it is necessary to avoid light reflections on the screen.

RELAXING THE OCULAR STRUCTURES The ocular structures are responsible for the accommodation (focus) and relaxing them periodically also reduces the visual stress of a task maintained for a long time. To do this, we recommend taking the view of the focused object (screen, book), every 15-20 minutes, for about 10-15 seconds.
