Flu Shot

in #health7 years ago

Source: healthimpactnews.com

During one of the worst outbreaks of influenza, the CDC has launched a massive ad campaign to urge the public to get a flu shot. They estimate that the vaccine is only about 10% effective.

Reports are coming in about the high rates of deaths due to the flu and the majority of those dying may have been vaccinated, one report comes from Santa Barbara where eight residents died within 2 weeks. This report states that 7 of the 8 people were vaccinated for the flu.

The flu shot have been tied to risks like paralysis from Guillain-Barre Syndrome, chronic shoulder pain from SIRVA and death.


Good info to share bro. They have to redesign the flu-vaccine every 2 yrs so those getting the jab now, it will have no effect. Closing the gate after the horse has bolted, me-thinks. No, they can keep their monkey cells thank you. Our schools in the UK have Flu-jab days. All these ignorant people just allowing their kids to be injected when they have no idea what runs this industry. Info like this gets people asking questions and that's good gooooood!! Up-voted bro

You hit the nail on the head. As I see it the flu shot is just a money making venture. This article said they make about 3 million doses. They also admit it is only about 10% effective. Another tool of agenda 21. Thanks for the comment.

It's another fine mess they have gotten us into. Maybe this is why most folk have a fear of needles. Not an irrational fear after all..

Ain't it the truth.