The History Of The Vaccine Court Series

in #health7 years ago (edited)

Child Doe 77

Part 2

What is primary and secondary autism? Do they really exist or is this degrees of brain damage induced vaccine injury? The history of cases in the NVICP, that data I’ve looked at from concerned parents of brain damaged children, qualified scientist, medical doctors is overwhelmingly obvious to me. However, I have a gift for the details as you can see if you have followed my WIP painting articles. Understanding autism, why it has become an epidemic rather than an obscure condition, especially secondary autism mentioned in court reports developing in a person who has suffered vaccine related brain damage is important. Let us find out why it is so important.

The NVICPwas brought into existence to develop knowledge and understanding of vaccine injuries. But when I look at how information is tabled understanding autism has been put to the side, only mentioned as secondary autism.

If all autism is really secondary autism how could any petitioner in the OAP prove that vaccine injury causes primary/idiopathic autism? Can this disorder manifest without a trigger? If a petitioner of an injured child were to try and prove primary autism their cause would be nullified, the burden of proof would become impossible. Attorneys representing vaccine injured children reported petitioners had to prove a different type of autism that is secondary, the kind of autism accepted by OAP years before.

If you find all this confusing as I do here is a table from March 2012 ACCV from a request from NVICP to the IOM in 2009:

“Secondary” autism or autistic features arising from chronic encephalopathy, mitochondrial disorders and/or other underlying disorders will be considered by the Committee. For “Primary” autism, the VICP has asked the IOM to consider the review of the medical literature post Immunization Safety Review: Vaccines and Autism “2004) report. In particular, (EPA Study)VICP is interested in the Committee’s review on more recent theories of “neuroinflammation” and “hyperarousal/overexcitation of the immune system via multiple antigenic stimulation.”

Primary and secondary autism was documented again March 8, in the 2012 Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines, Updating the Vaccine Injury Table Following the 2011 IOM Report on Adverse Effects of Vaccines by Rosemary Johann-Liang, MD, chief medical officer, National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

The hypothesis of autism causation indicated in this report explains why cases like Child Doe 77’s were pulled by the government, even though compensation was awarded. This is why you see “Resulted in Autism-like” symptoms throughout the reports.

All this data gets confusing, just try and untangle this: Attorney Robert Krakow stated that you can follow the development of the Child Doe 77 cause “through settlement decisions to where it eventually becomes an“MMR encephalopathy table injury.” Even though Child Doe 77 received more than just the MMR vaccines. She received several other vaccination that could of caused brain injury. As a secondary autism cause, the MMR caused brain damage, “encephalopathy.” Autism was secondary to encephalopathy. Lets get this straight there was brain damaged admitted by the court but vaccines didn’t cause autism, the end result included autism. This sounds like gas-lighting to me.

The Omnibus Autism Proceedings settled the Mojabi case in 2012, which went through the same convoluted evaluation process. Mojabi is another MMR table injury that also included encephalopathy with autism:

No. 06-227V Chief Special Master Campbell-Smith

“On March 23, 2006, Saeid Mojabi and Parivash Vahabi (petitioners), as the parents and legal representatives of their minor son,“Ryan, filed a petition pursuant to the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (“Vaccine Program”).

Petitioners alleged that as a result of “all the vaccinations administered to [Ryan] from March 25, 2003, through February 22, 2005, and more specifically, measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccinations administered to him on December 19, 2003 and May 10, 2004,” Ryan suffered “a severe and debilitating injury to his brain, described as Autism Spectrum Disorder (‘ASD’).”

Petition at 1. Petitioners specifically asserted that Ryan “suffered a Vaccine Table Injury, namely, an encephalopathy” as a result of his receipt of the MMR vaccination on December 19, 2003. In the alternative, petitioners asserted that “as a cumulative result of his receipt of each and every vaccination between March 25, 2003 and February 22, 2005, Ryan has suffered . . . neuroimmunologically mediated “05, Ryan has suffered . . . neuroimmunologically mediated dysfunctions in the form of asthma and ASD.”

“Louis Conte and Tony Lyons interviewed retired NVICP employees from the Division of Vaccine Injury and Compensation. They were told that many in the program knew autism was caused by brain injury from vaccines. The retired employees knew that autism was common in severe cases of vaccine injuries and met all the requirements of the table injury for encephalopathy. One employ stated everyone knew that autism was part of severe encephalopathy. The disagreement in the NVICP about vaccine injury leading to autism involved causes where autistic regression was gradual. Many employees confirmed that autism was seen as an indication of brain damage from vaccines.Link

Ryan Mojabi was compensated—$969,474.91. Since 1986 vaccine programs have included more and more vaccines, along with this aggressive schedule data has shown brain damage and autism have increased. If real data isn’t released for research the implications will be huge. We will have a large population of chronically ill adults and children to care for, oh wait, that’s already happened. We need to demand the research that should of happened prior to mandated vaccination programs and stop the aggressive vaccine programs that are ruining so many young lives and famlies.

DVIC Director Dr. Geoffrey Evens, 1989 stated that the program reflects “The beliefs of the medical community about vaccine injury and it is remarkable that so many of the cases identified as featuring autism in the Unanswered Question were conceded by the government.

The question needs to be asked; is the government withholding the truth about vaccine injury–induced autism? Here is a summary of what we know:

  •  The government conceded in the Child Doe 77 case that vaccine injury “resulted in autism-like symptoms,” then withdrew the case from the Omnibus Autism Proceedings to avoid a case decision, which would have set precedent. Ultimately, Child Doe 77 was found to have suffered an MMR table encephalopathy.
  • The government admitted to journalist David Kirby that some cases of vaccine injury featured autism but that it didn’t track these cases.
  • Documents from ACCV meetings refer to two types of autism—“primary” and “secondary” autism, which arises from encephalopathy and mitochondrial disorders (as in the case of Child“Doe 77).
  •  Retired program employees have acknowledged that autism was understood to be a sequela of vaccine injury–induced encephalopathy.
  • In touching only a small percentage of compensated cases, Unanswered Questions found eighty-three cases of vaccine injury that also included autism. Since the publication of Unanswered Questions, more cases of vaccine-induced encephalopathy/autism, such as Mojabi, have emerged.
The conclusion is obvious and disturbing. The people in and around the NVICP, the Division of Vaccine Injury Compensation, and the Department of Justice “understood” that autism was associated with cases of vaccine injury but failed to disclose what they knew, even though Congress intended for the program to disclose information about the nature of vaccine injuries.

In my first article about autism and the vaccine court I mentioned the “Unanswered Questions,” which lit a fire under Capital Hill for congressional hearings on wha was really going on in the NVICP. Representative Darrel Issa, Chairman of the House of Representatives Committee on Oversight and Government Reform stated he would conduct hearings on the NVICP at the end of 2014.

The word autism has been tarnished as some kind of conspiracy and people are afraid to mention autism and vaccines in the same sentence. Why are they afraid? Because they might lose their reputation and their job. However autism was again the leading issue regarding vaccine injury and the government was forced to address the autism conspiracy. Pro vaccine activists led by Dr. Paul Offit who also leads the House Oversight and Reform Committee Report on Conflicts of Interest in Vaccine Policy Making rallied a call to shut the proceedings down.

I see a conflict of interest here and that is exactly why the public is confused to the point of giving up trying to figure out what is going on! Remember the letter from Amy Pisaini who leads the group to vaccinate all children by 2 years old? Potential witnesses were so freaked out about the conspiracy of autism they refused to testify about the autism issue. We see this happen all the time. Next time you see government sponsored groups vilify an issue, a person, a ideology, anything, you know something is up and you need to investigate because you are being bamboozled! The government has cried wolf too many times for me to believe anything it says even if it may be the truth. How can I trust government data after being screwed over and over through generations of people here in America? You can plainly see how our government profits from our fear and ignorance if you research the History of Vaccines.

Pro vaccine organizations eventually pressured Issa to postpone the hearings and we may never have a congressional hearing because of the confusing labeling of vaccine-induced encephalopathy caused autism. Now anyone who wants to keep their job and reputation views the Omnibus Autism Proceedings with distrust. The NVICP has lost public support and is no longer seen as a way to find the truth regarding vaccine injury.

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Thanks for continuing with the vaccination court series, @reddust. The criminal conspiracy to handicap populations worldwide and specifically damage American children is absolutely evil. It is my deep hope that some of these medical criminals will be round up in the sweep currently being executed by the Trump administration of people guilty of corruption and abuse that destabilizes a nation. Resteemed! PS-- looks like you have a couple of commenters of the spam variety to bring down the hammer upon!

I pray that the people who enabled this horrible eugenics program on the worlds population are tried in court and jailed for life @dakini5d. I knew that the field of science and medicine were corrupt because of government and corporate grants influencing studies. But I had no idea until after I started research the history of vaccines.... the only word I could come up with is" evil," these people are Evil! They truly profit from the suffering they manifest on the common people.

It is truly kaliyuga...

I drop the flag with metta ;-)

autism is rising at an alarming rate especially amongst children and i think there are still a lot of mysteries about it and it will certanly take time to solve it but we must always think positive. So i want to thank you for this informative post, and i look forward to read more of your post

Science still knows very little about the immune system or the brain. That is frightening since they are producing medicines for the immune system and our brain....You are welcome @moroccantoughts.

Maybe one day this will change (i hope), and as i said we must stay positive

Personally, I know quite a lot about our immune system.
Science and Scientists know even more than I do, and that is quite a lot. Our immune system has been studied very well, and it is easy to understand it.
(And vaccines are one of the most thoroughly studied medications that are on the market, and they propose no danger at all.)

I disagree, science knows very little about how our immune system develops. They are just finding out our immune system is made through interactions with our environment. That gut bacteria are a large part of our immune system and play a huge role in our psychological health. Science also just discovered epigenetics a second code of DNA that codes everything we interact with in our environment and passes this data on to the next generation.

Epigenetics Is Everywhere. What you eat, where you live, who you interact with, when you sleep, how you exercise, even aging – all of these can eventually cause chemical modifications around the genes that will turn those genes on or off over time. Additionally, in certain diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s, various genes will be switched into the opposite state, away from the normal/healthy state.

This increase in autism is due to the fact that some vaccine contain the mercury substance "thimerosal". Very informative sharing. Thank you very much. @reddust

Adjuvants in Vaccines are toxic even in very small doses. Can you imagine a newborn immature immune system dealing with this toxins? We are not told what is in a vaccine, the toxins are supposed excite the immune system for a better response when vaccinated. Many people suspect these extra ingredients are what is causing a huge uptick in immune system dysfunction, allergies, and asthma. I have all 3, fibromyalgia, hay fever, and asthma. I cured my hay fever and asthma through exercise, meditation techniques, and changing my diet. I have to be careful with stress and avoid certain foods to avoid triggering my fibromyalgia. I am one of millions of people here in America suffering from impaired immune system. I think vaccines played a large part as well as chemicals in my environment.

black Nigella sativa seed oil That's what you're looking for. Absolutely search.

@turkishcrew, I've read about the black seed oil several times over the years. I will take your advice, it is serendipitous!

Thimerosal is only used in a subset of influenza vaccines, if even.
It has been completely removed due to public outrage about it.

Oh, and Thimerosal isn't even as dangerous as fish mercury.

An excellent topic I have some information I hope to benefit you despite the different risk and symptoms of autism from one case to another, but all disorders of autism affect the ability of the child to communicate with those around him and develop mutual relations with them.
Estimates show that 6 out of every 1000 children in the United States suffer from autism and that the number of diagnosed cases is steadily increasing.
It is not yet known whether this increase is the result of better case detection and reporting, or a real and real increase in the number of people with autism, or both.
Although there is no cure for autism, so far, intensive and early treatment, as far as possible, can make a significant and significant difference in the lives of children with this disorder @reddust

Thank you for the additional information @fassalchahid, autism is now 1 in 68 and is increasing. If this was a disease we would call autism a plague.

Thanks for the good information
I welcome you in a group of followers to give the tender and diligence, although the results are nothing but months but will never give up

Is autism really a disability?
Einstein, Richard Branson, Mozart, Michael Angelo, are all predicted to be on the autism spectrum.

Maybe it‘s just a different way of processing information, it allows a person to focus on one thing and perfect it while shutting off everything else.

There are more autistic people now so maybe it’s time we catered schooling to that way of thinking.

Maybe it’s evolutionary and not really vaccine related!!!

I worked with brain injured children and children with autism. It is real and debilitating. I helped children though horse therapy. I saw autistic children on a spectrum of physical and mental disabilities. You would not wish autism on anyone and especially the burden of genius. A few people may have high IQ and also have Asperger syndrome, autism/ brain damage. But many people are geniuses without brain damage.

Autistic people suffer numerous physical problems usually associated with their digestive system. Around 75% are below 70 IQ....

Genius abilities carry a burden as well, with gifted people they usually don't have room for social skills. That is a generalization though, I have never worked with a genius, all I know is what I have read, they are a pain in the neck....hahaha <3

I have a child on the spectrum, I see him as brilliant, although quirky

Yes difficult to deal with at times but we all have our challenges

Thank you @reddust for this puzzling topic

@reddust Have you made the flag for me ? :/

You didn't say anything about the article and you didn't even make a sentence :P

The article is very big and I do not know anything about it so I just wanted to share a comment, To show you I'm following you though I'm busy a lot
But there is no problem, my friend ^^

I understand, but you shouldn't say anything if you didn't read the article. I wouldn't be playing fair if you didn't give you a flag and I flagged everyone else who just drops a couple word comment. Even though you are one of my favorites.

Really good informative article.....about vaccine....
Vaccination protects children from serious illness and complications...
Thanks @ruddust ...for your great educative and essential article....

Always I see and read information about all the problems that the kids with recipe vaccine and have autism. Is so good read your post and see all the information that is so useful. You are make a great job dear @reddust

thank you for sharing. I am very motivated with your post and I can know the history there.. Good job @reddust

@reddust Informative article about vaccine.
vaccination protects children from serious illness but i have heared about it that it have certain side effect too.